
The Life of Shirley Jackson

  • Birth

    Born on December 14th, 1919 in San Francisco.
  • Period: to

    The Life of Shirley Jackson

  • Moved

    Moved to Rochester, New York
    No Specific Date
  • Graduation

    Graduated from Brighton High School.
    No specific date
  • College

    Enrolled at the University of Rochester. After one year returned home to continue writing.
    No specific date
  • College

    Enrolled at Syracuse University to try college as a serious writer for the second time.
    No specific date
  • Graduation

    Graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachleor of Arts Degree.
    No specific date
  • Marriage

    Married to American literary critic Stanley Edgar Hymann
    No specific date
  • First Publication

    First publication, "My Life with RH Macy"
    No specific date
  • Birth of First Child

    IN 1942, my first child, Laurence, was born
  • Publication

    "The Road Through The Wall" was published.
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "The Lottery" was published in the magazine, "The New Yorker."
  • Publication

    "Hangsaman" was published
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "Life Amoung The Savages" was published.
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "The Witchcraft of Salem Village" was published.
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "Raising Demons," sequel to "Life Amoung The Savages" was published.
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "The Sundial" was published.
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "The Haunting of House HIll" was published. This was also adapted into a film called, "The Haunting."
    No spefcific date
  • Edgar Allen Poe Award

    In 1961, I won the Edgar Allen Poe for my novel, "Louisa, Please Come Home."
  • Publication

    "We Have Always Lived in A Castle" was published. Choosen in 1962 for Times Magazine's Top Ten Best Novels of the Year.
    No specific date
  • Publication

    "We Have Always Lived in a Castle" was published. Choosen in 1962 for Times Magazine's Top Ten Best Novels of the Year.
    No specific date
  • Diagnosed

    Diagnosed with a severe case of anxiety. Put under the care of a pyschiatrist.
    No sepcific date
  • Death

    Died on August 8th, 1965 of heart failure. With obesity, depression, anxiety, smoking, heart problems, etc. contributing to her death.