That time a Rachel was born
On a dark and stormy night, a Rachel was brougt into the world by Maria and Gil. -
Period: to
Adventures in Covina
That time a birthday catastrophe occured
My cousin and I who are exactly 1 year apart were inseperable until she blew out my candles on my 5th birthday cake. I cut her loose. -
That time we went on a family trip
We went on a lovely family trip to DIsneyworld when my sister was in the school band. I got sick and I was miserable at the happiest place on earth. That darn Mickey Mouse ice cream. -
That time we moved
Thins don't always go as planned, or as you hope. Sometimes change is necessary, but if you are willing to work to get what you want, anyting is possible. -
Period: to
Adventures in Chino
The time we brought home the gold
After a tough season, we managed to bring ome first place in our division. -
That time I was in a musical
After being involved in the arts since 1st grade, I decided to audition for the school musical where I met some amazing people. -
That time things got chaotic
After being in band for 3 years, my best friend who was in charge, and teacher both decided to quit which created a domino effect of once passionate kids giving up. I was left in charge to fix everyting and lead them. -
That time I went on a campus tour
In Turlock, CA, I visited my new home for the next four years. I fell in love with the place and i cannot wait to start fresh and pursue my dreams. -
That time I met my bestfriends
The time we made it to finals
Being in Winter Percussison allowed me to learn a new instrument and I enjoyed my time doing it.