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The Life of MLK Jr.

  • MLK Jr. is Born

    MLK Jr. is Born
    Martin Luther King Jr. is born in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Martin King Jr. Gets His B.A.

    Martin King Jr. Gets His B.A.
    He got his B.A. Degree from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institiution of Atlanta.
  • MLK Jr. Receives His B.D.

    MLK Jr. Receives His B.D.
    MLK Jr. gets his B.D. degree.
  • MLK Jr, Awarded Man of the Year

    MLK Jr, Awarded Man of the Year
    He is man of the year.
  • MLK Jr. Gives His Famous Speech

    MLK Jr. Gives His Famous Speech
    MLK Jr. gives his famous "I have a dream" speech.
  • MLK Jr. Dies

    MLK Jr. Dies
    Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated on a motel balcony.