The life of Mahatma Gandhi

  • Mahatma Gandhi Birth

    Mahatma Gandhi Birth
    Gandhi was born October 2, 1869. His family was Hindu. He was a Vaisya when he was born.
  • Natal Indian Congress

    Natal Indian Congress
    In 1894 Mahatma founded Natal Indian Congree. But Matahatma was still loyal to the British Empire.
  • PeaceFul Rebellion

    PeaceFul Rebellion
    In 1906 Mahatma started a rebellion. He said he would rather dieor go to jail before obeying an anti-Asian Law.
  • Salt Protest

    Salt Protest
    In a protest of salt tax, Mahatma led a protest of thounds of Indians on a 200-mile march to a sea to collect their own salt. After he did that he went to jail again.
  • Demands Independence

    Demands Independence
    During World War II he demanded Independance for Indian's price for helping Britain in the war. He went to join again and was there 1942 to 1944.
  • Indian's Independence

    Indian's Independence
    In 1947 Mahatma got his wish. India got their Independence. The subcontinent was split into 2 countries. (India and Pakistan)
  • Mahatma's Death

    Mahatma's Death
    In 1948 Mahatma was killed while praying. He was killed by a Hindu.
  • Ashes

    Mahatma ashes were spread in the Ganges River,
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    In 1919 Mahatma became the leader of a newly formed Indian National Congress political party.