Mahatma Gandhi Birth
Gandhi was born October 2, 1869. His family was Hindu. He was a Vaisya when he was born. -
Natal Indian Congress
In 1894 Mahatma founded Natal Indian Congree. But Matahatma was still loyal to the British Empire. -
PeaceFul Rebellion
In 1906 Mahatma started a rebellion. He said he would rather dieor go to jail before obeying an anti-Asian Law. -
Salt Protest
In a protest of salt tax, Mahatma led a protest of thounds of Indians on a 200-mile march to a sea to collect their own salt. After he did that he went to jail again. -
Demands Independence
During World War II he demanded Independance for Indian's price for helping Britain in the war. He went to join again and was there 1942 to 1944. -
Indian's Independence
In 1947 Mahatma got his wish. India got their Independence. The subcontinent was split into 2 countries. (India and Pakistan) -
Mahatma's Death
In 1948 Mahatma was killed while praying. He was killed by a Hindu. -
Mahatma ashes were spread in the Ganges River, -
Indian National Congress
In 1919 Mahatma became the leader of a newly formed Indian National Congress political party.