The Life Of Kirsty

  • Birth Of Kirsty Brennan

    A star was born in Ipswich Hospital on the 13th of July 1995, 4:03pm. My mum was in labour for about 3 hours with me. And then she held me for the first time.
  • first day of school

    My first day of school at Raceview State Primary School. I was unhappy about starting because I could never leave my mums side. I made her sit with me until I walked up into class, and I would still cry!!! But then i relised school wasnt so bad after all.
  • My Bestfriend

    My Bestfriend back then was Peta Coles and still is one of my bestfriends. She had just moved here from Mackya and didnt know anyone. We were as thick as theives, like two peas in a pod.
  • First Netball Team

    This is the first year I was in a Netball Team. I was in a club team and also our school team. I played GD back then and my bestfriend Peta Coles Played GA. Peta and I played in the same club team and also the same school team.
  • Representative Team

    The Team was selected a year before the competition started. It was the "07" team I represented. I was Selected for the Ipswich Representative 'A' Team and learnt many new skills about the game and was challeneged to greater game play. My bestfriend Peta was also in the team.
  • Finished Primary School.

    This is the year i finished primary school, going from being a big fish in a little pond, to a small fish in a big pond. I was very excited and nervous at the same time about finishing primary school. I had my graduation dinner. I had to get a beautiful dress and little heels. Also this year, I was very successful with my Netball career. I had made the Queensland Allstars indoor netball team, I was so overwhelmed with joy. I didn't think I could get so far. I was also selected for ipswich again.
  • First Day of Year 8

    The first day of year at was at St Peter Claver College. I was very nervous about starting because I had no friends coming to the same school, but I needed to get away from the drama of primary school, a fresh start. My buddy Tonyka, was an amazing buddy, she was so friendly and welcoming. I am still friends with her now in 2011. Coming into year eight, I was up to trying new things and one of my older friends from claver said I should do dance, I tried it, and LOVED IT!
  • Year 8

    Year 8 was an amazing experience and new world to me. I had made so many friends, I was in the Development squad for dance even though having no experience in dance what so ever and also at the end of the year I was asked to join the Junior Elite squad. I did not play netball at school for this year. I made the ipswich representatives teams this year. "08"
  • Year 9

    Yeah 9 was the year everything happened!! I made the junior elite dance team for school.
    Netball is a big part of my life and I was once again selected for the ipswich netball representatives team. "09". I played in a indoor netball tournament for the 3rd year in a row and was lucky enough to be selected in the Queensland Infernos Under 14s Team. We went away early December to play many different states and even South Africa.
  • The Accident

    My brother had an accident. His life was nearly taken away. My brother means the world to me. He had run into a power pole coming home from the pub. All the boys were drinking at the pub because the day before, one of their bestmates had died. My brother usually isnt one to drink drive, but he made a silly desicion. He was lucky enough to walk away with a broken femur is 4 places, broken nose, and a dislocated hip. He is an amazing brother, I don't know what I would have done without him.
  • The Year 2010

    In 2010 I was in the junior elite dance team again for school and was elected captain.
    Also I made the Queensland Indoor Netball Team again, but only as a shadow this time. I played school netball this year. I was selected in the schools Confroternity team. I was excited to play with the girls from my school.
  • The big Leap

    My make up career set off with a bang. I was thrown into the deep end. I had got asked to do a WEDDING! This was a big step for me, I had the confidence in myself but did the bride? she obviously did. She loved my work and so did her brides maides. Everything was happening so fast. I am now about to do Semi Formal make-ups for some of the girls. All the girls love my work.
  • Queensland Lightening

    I have just made the Queensland Indoor Netball team for under 16s. We go away in about 4 weeks to Adelaide ; to play many different states. We play WA, Victoria, SA, South Africa, and none the less our rival NSW.
  • Finish Year 11!

    I am about to finish year 11. I am now going to be a senior! my last year. My last year is going to be lived without regrets. Have the best times with friends. Because i know i can never get any of this back ever again, becuase once its all finished. You have to fend for yourself. I will miss the friends the most, and of course the best english teacher, Mr Campbell!!! :D