The Life of Kayla Maxinne

  • My First Day in the World

    The day I was born.
  • My First Birthday

    It was my first birthday.
  • Graduation in Day Care

    When I was 5 years old, I graduated from Day Care.
  • Elementary Graduation

    When I was 11 years old, I graduated from Elementary.
  • Cheerdance

    I was one of the flyer that time when we compete to our classmates. We didn't win but it was really fun.
  • Moving Up

    I experienced the Moving Up Ceremony.
  • Cheerdance Competition

    We compete in cheerdance to other section in the senior high students.
  • Socialization

    I experienced joining in socialization. It was fun.
  • Mcdo Manager-Sir John

    I've got a picture with the one of the manager on mcdo--sir John, when we are doing our on-the-job training.
  • Commercial

  • Friendship Goals

    Friendship Goals!
  • Lark

    Happy moments with Lark.
  • New Haircut

    I decided to cut my long hair.
  • Summer

    Summer 2k18!
  • Miss Gay Pagasa 2018

    My friend joined Miss gay so I supported him in his pageant.
  • Grade 12

    It is my first day in school 2018-2019. Grade 12-Escoffier.
  • housekeeping

    Trial cleaning in strand housekeeping at SHS Faculty Cr.
  • P.E.

    First picture with sir Imman.
  • Picture

    Family Picture.