The Life Of Kaitlynn V. Cosgrove

  • World War 1

    World War 1
    also known for the first wold war, thr great war, or the war to end all wars, was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from july 1914 to 11 november 191
  • Red scare

    Red scare
    many in the united statess feared recent immigrants and sissidents, particularly those who embraced communist, socialist, or anarchist ideology
  • Flapplers

    Flappers were a generation of young western woman in the 1920s who wore short skirts. boobbed their hair. listened to jazz, and dlaunted their disdain for what was tthen considered acceptable behavior
  • sports

    professional football and basketball were minor sports. north carolina followed most of theses trends, although professional boxing and hourse racing events were not widely held in the state because of their association with gambling. baseball was very popular in the 1920s
  • Jazz

    artists such as King Oliver, Louis Armstrong, kid ory, and duke ellington define the future of jazz in the united states and abroad. race records: learn about the origins of race records and the increase in the number of these recordings made in the 1920s
  • African american

    African american
    the 1920s, ofton called the Roaring Twenties, is synonymous with the jazz age and the harlem renaissance. African American musicians, cisual artists, and writers were able to achieve great fame and notoriety for their work
  • Prohibition

    in the united states was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages... 18th amendment
  • Warren Gamaliel Harding

    Warren Gamaliel Harding
    Became president of the united states...
    29th president
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    the immigration act limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the united states through a national prigns quota. the quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the united states as of the 1890 national census.
  • fads- pole sitting

    fads- pole sitting
    the fad was begun by stunt actor and former sailor Alvin "shipwreck" kelly, who sat on a flagpole, either on a dare by a friend or as a publicity stunt. longest sit lasted 13 hours and 13 minutes
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    the U.S. stock market underwent rapid expansion, reaching its peak in august, after a period of wild speculation. by then, production had already declined and unemployment had risen, leabing stocks in great excuess of their real value
  • Herbert Hoover

    Herbert Hoover
    31st president took office when the U.S. economy plumed into the great depression that lasted over a decade.. they blammed the minds of Americans
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    selling in panic
    when prices dropped sharply loans came due
    stock market crash
    they lost 14 billion dollars worth 119 billion dollars now
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    when banks close for many days where you cannot withdraw or deposit money
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    new Mexico
    worthless for farming from drought and dust storms
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    franklin Roosevelt program to alleviate the problem of the great depression focusing on belief for the needy, economic recovery, and financialreform
  • Supply and demand

    Supply and demand
    the forces that detemine prices of goods and services in a market economy
  • Direct Relief

    Direct Relief
    the giving of money or food by the government diecty to needy people
  • Demagogue

    A person who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions passinons and prejectives of the people
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    where the U.S, economy in a servere decline and millions of americans were unemploed
  • Bouns army

    Bouns army
    a group of WW1 veterans and their familes who marched on Washington D.C in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of a bouns they had neen promised for military service
  • Unemployment

    rate 15% 1940
    25% in 1933
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Referred to the second italo-abyssianian war.
  • Munich agreement

    A settlement premitting nazi germanys annexation
  • Germany invades poland

  • Benito nussolini

    Fought germany
  • Toralarian

    Characteristic of a political system in which the govt excersizes complete control over its citizens life
  • Jappanes

    We sent all jappense to a camp and told japan to serender or we would bomb them they disnt listen so we bombed them twice
  • Rossevelt

    Died from a storke
  • President trumen

    Took office after rosevelt died and sent the atomic bomb to japan
  • World war two

    The war that happened because grmany was angry they lost and more reason
  • Nevile chamberlain

    A British statesman of the conservative party who served as a prime monister of the united kingdom
  • Neutrality act

    A seeies of laws enacted in 1935 and 1936 to prevent us arms sales and loans to nations war
  • Allies

    G.B S.U U.S france1941
  • Poral harbor

    J12appaninse attacker poral harbor
  • Hitler

    Hitler set war called the hellocoast and killed jews and sent them to a camp
  • D day

    In world war ll on which allied forces invaded northern france
  • Ve day

    Victory in europe day
  • Appeasement

    The geanting of concess to hostile power in order to keep the peace
  • Hitlers deaths

    He killed him self so he didnt have to surrender to the allies
  • Axis powers

  • Moms date of birth

    Moms date of birth
  • Italy conquers Ethiopia

  • Birthday

  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day