Aug 25, 1530
Ivan IV was born
Ivan IV was born on August 25th, 1930. Son of Ivan III and Grandson of Ivan the Great. -
Aug 25, 1533
Ivan The Terrible takes the throne
Ivan IV took the throne in 1533 when he was only 3 years old. His young life was disrupted by stuggles for power among Russia's landowning nobles.These people faught for control of Ivan knowing he was more vonerable now than ever, and knowing he would soon realize the true power he actually had. -
Nov 19, 1540
Ivan IV's Childhood
Ivan was known to be intelligent yet prone to outbreaks of uncontrollable rage. It was also know that as a child he would torture animals. -
Aug 25, 1547
Ivan takes control
When Ivan turned 16 he was crowned the first officail czar of all Russia. Taking absolute control of the largest country of its time. Ivan married Anastasia Romanov in this same year. -
Period: Oct 25, 1547 to Oct 25, 1560
The "Good Period"
During Ivan The Terrible's rule he had what seemed to be positive and negative phases. From when he first started his absolute rule in 1547 to when his wife died in 1560, is known to be his "Good Period", where he did all types of great things for his nation. -
Period: Nov 21, 1560 to
Ivan's "Bad Period"
The second phase of Ivan's life was his "Bad Period" which followed the death of his wife. This lead to rage filled acts, an example could be when he kills his son. -
Ivan Dies
On March 18th, 1584 Ivan IV died, leaving only his weak son behind to take the throne, but his son was too weak mentally and physically which lead to the rise of the Romanov Dynasty.