The Life of Hitler

  • Hitler is Born

    Hitler is Born
    At 6:30 p.m. on the evening of April 20, 1889, he was born in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn just across the border from German Bavaria. He was the fourth born out of six children.
  • Hitler Starts School

    Hitler Starts School
    At the age of six Hitler starts school.
  • Family Death

    Family Death
    Hitlers Father (Alois Hitler) dies when Hitler is 13. His Father died at the age of 65 from a lung hemorrhage.
  • The Dropout

    The Dropout
    Hitler Drops out of school at the age of 16.
  • Hitler Joins the German

    Hitler is hired as a spy to investiagate a nationalastic group.
  • The 25 theses

    Hitler gives the Twenty Five Points of the German Workers' Party. This included: the union of all Germans in a greater German Reich, rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, the demand for additional territories for the German people, citizenship determined by race with no Jew to be considered a German, all income not earned by work to be confiscated, a thorough reconstruction of the national education system, and religious freedom except for religions which endanger the German race.
  • Hitler Arrested

    Hitler was arrested because he was charged with high treason after he tried to overthrow the government and start a march on Berlin in 1923. He was then sentenced to five years in the Landsberg Prison. But he got out of jail in 1924, after getting general amnesty.
  • Hitlers Autobiography

    When he was in prison, Hitler worked on an autobiography of his life, his beliefs, and how he planed to make the perfect race. In the book tells how and why he wants to get rid of the Jewish race. Hitler actually titled it, Four Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice, but his publisher reduced it to Mein Kampf(My Struggle). This book sold over five million copies, and was said to be the Nazi Bible.
  • Plan Z

    Plan Z was a way to the make the German Navy more powerful, so that they could be powerful enough to beat the United Kingdom. Hitler wanted a Kriegsmarine of ten battleships, four aircraft carriers, three battlecruisers, eight heavy cruisers, 44 light cruisers, 68 destroyers and 249 U-boats by 1944.
  • Hitler runs for President

    Hilter believed that because the Nazi Party is riasing he has a chance to bocome President. Hitler got 13,418,011 votes in the run-off elections. As to Hindenburg, who recieved 19,359,650 votes,
  • Hitlers Help

    Hitler got help from by Franz von Papen. Who talked Hindenburg, into nominating Hitler as Reich Chancellor. That made Hitler closer to achieving his dream.
  • Hitler gains majority of democratic elections

    Hitler used persuasion, propaganda, terror and intimidation to make sure he got a position with power. He was doing anything to keep himself there.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    Ernst Rohm, confirms Hitler as the undisputed dictator of the Third Reich. By the beginging of August, when became Fuhrer and Chancellor, because of the deah of Hindenburg.
  • Long Knives

    Long Knives
    The Night of the Long Knifes was an event, when the Nazi regimen carried out a series of polictal execusions.
  • Nuremberg Laws.

    Hitler's first law in the Nuremberg Laws was, The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor. This prohibited the marraige between Jews and Germans. Also, it prohibited the employment of German females under 45, to work in Jewish households. The second law was, The Reich Citizenship Law. This law stripped Jews of the German citizenship. It also introduced a new defference between “Reich citizens ” and “nationals.”
  • End of the Treaty of Versailles.

    The Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties that ended World War One. It was signed on 28 June 1919. The point of this treaty was to end the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. When Hitler declares an end to it, it means he is willling and wants for there to be war between them.
  • Germany attcaks Poland

    Hitler wanted to dominate Europe and that would bring war.
  • WW2

    When Germany invaded Poland without a warning that was the start of WW2.