Music notes

The Life of HanSmi

  • Hello World!

    Hello World!
    My life changed, or started, when I began the first chapter here, a long journey in the world. I was born in the middle of winter in the cold in Pontiac, Michigan. I was born into a loving family, as a normal- sized baby.
  • Younger Sister

    Younger Sister
    My life changed because I now wasn't the only child, I was no longer the center of attention. I now had to keep myself company as my parents kept watch over Micayla. She was born in the early morning of the day, on the first day of spring.
  • Isabella

    This changed my life because I was the oldest of three, I now was responsible for myself. My grandmothers had come over to the house to watch Micayla and me while my mom and dad were in the hospital. Bella was the largest baby of the three of us, and still larger than we were at her age.
  • Picnic at Gram's!

    Picnic at Gram's!
    Grandma Smith had all of the family over that could come. I wasn't the eldest child then, and I got to be around family, which changed me and how I acted. Grandma Smith lived in a smaller house set in a close- knit neighborhood, so we had to be outside most of the time.
  • Christmas

    Grandma had almost all of the family over to her apartment for Christmas every year, but the most special one to me is the last Christmas she had.All the grandkids were baking cookies in the kitchen, even me. Griffin, Micayla, Bella and Abby. We were the youngest there, ranging from the ages 3-5. It changed my life because it brought me closer to my family, allowing me to see the fun side of everyone, not just the stressed side.
  • Good Bye Grandma Smith

    Good Bye Grandma Smith
    My family and I got the call that we might want to come, because of Grandma. We were in the van on the highway, stuck, when we got the call she had passed away. This changed my life because it was the first time I lost someone so close to me, when I was old enough to remember, but too young to go through it all.
  • So Long Grandma Judy

    So Long Grandma Judy
    Grandma passed away at the age of 64 due to cancer, three months after my Grandma Smith passed away. She had died in the middle of the night with my Aunt Kim and mom at her side. The day I found out was teh worst day of my life. It changed my life because it was the second time I had lost someone I loved, someone who helped shape e to be who I am today.
  • Montana Trip

    Montana Trip
    I had gone up with my family to Montana for my cousin's wedding, as well as National Parks like Glacier, Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, Badlands, and even more on the way home. The weather was amazing during the whole time we stayed, the only problem that it was chilly at night. It changed my life because I was able to meet more of my family, and was able to see historic, national places.
  • Mackinac Island Trip

    Mackinac Island Trip
    I will always remember Mackinac because it was the second time I got to travel to some place interesting. I was gone for three days, and the first day was spent in Mackinac city on the mainland. The trip was worthwhile and had many positive points, the main one being that my roommate then became my best friend.
  • Granda Goes Too

    Granda Goes Too
    This impacted my life forever because I was there when he passed away, I was twelve and watched as he was wheeled out of the house, feeling as if the world were crushing me. It was the second worst day of my life. I lived through so much and then my grandfather had to go too.
  • Papa Passes

    Papa Passes
    We got the news as we were walking into the hospital with my cousins. It was my sisters 11th birthday the day he passed, making it even harder on her. This impacted my life so much because he was one of the last grandparents I had that I kept in touch with, someone who teased us tremendously and knew how how hard life could be.
  • Quince

    This impacted my life because I was bale to experience different cultures, while meeting people that come from different places of the world. I enjoyed my time there so much, though it wasn't a larger party. I went to the second one she held, though it was small, it was something that is unforgettable.
  • Washingon D.C

    Washingon D.C
    Went to D.C wth my friends through the Academy. The weather was normally chilly, but it was the best trip of my life. It changed my life because I was able to see many memorials, while experiencing chances that happen once in a life.
  • Graduation

    This impacted my life because I had a feeling of accomplishment, as if I did something right and I was being recognized for it. I was able to be with my friends as they got thier awards. It was one of the best memories I have of the Academy.
  • Freshman Year

    Freshman Year
    My freshman year started, and has been so far, one of the best I have experienced. My freshman year has allowed me to grow both intellectually and as a person. It has impacted me because I have gotten to know more people, and I am able to grow in my confidence through what I do.