May 31, 1162
Genghis Khan is born
Genghis Khan was born under the name "Temujin" in northern central Mongolia. It is known that he was born in approxiametely the year 1162, but the specific date of birth is unknown. Temujin was said to be born with a blood clot in his hand, a sign in the Mongolian culture of power and leadership. This is significant because the Mongolian empire wouldn't have happened without Genghis Khan.
(biography.com) -
Nov 30, 1171
Temujin kills his half brother, Bekhter
After Temujin's father was poisoned and killed by the Tatar tribe, he returned home to take his place as clan chief. The clan didn't trust Temujin's leadership however, partially due to his youth and inex[perience. His family was ignored and there was great pressure. One day, Temujin and his half-brother, Bekhter were in a quarrel over the spoils of a hunting trip and Temujin killed Bekhter.
This is significant because it shows Khan's violent behavior from childhood. (biography.com) -
Dec 3, 1187
Temujin is named "Genghis Khan"
After Temujin rescues his wife, Borte, from an ememy tribe with the help of Jamukha and three others, he returns home to Mongolia. While he was rescueing Borte, he defeated the enemy tribe by raising an army. When he returned home, he is proclaimed as "Genghis Khan," meaning "rightful ruler". This is significant because without Temujin coming to power, there would have been no Mongolian empire. (Knight 131) -
Dec 10, 1200
Genghis Khan creates the Yassa
Genghis Khan created a comprehensive system of laws for the Mongolian Empire. The Yassa was based on 3 principles: obedience to Khan, binding together of nomad lans, and merciless punishment of wrongdoings.
The Yassa is significant because it kept the enormous empire in order and stable.It set the stage for other sets of laws to come.
(fsmitha.com) -
Dec 10, 1200
Orm writes "The Ormulum"
"The Ormulum" is a 12th century biblical work written by the monk Orm.
"The Ormulum" provided important information on the pronounciation of some English words after the language was in flux after Norman Conquest. It haped trace the origins of the English language.
(Grun 162) -
Dec 11, 1200
Cambridge University founded
In 1200, Csmbridge University was founded.
Cambridge University is the 5th oldest university in the world. It is regareded as one of the most presigious schools with a ranking of 3 in universities as of 2015. Many famous people such as Steven Hawking were graduates of Cambridge.
(Grun 162) -
Dec 11, 1200
Early Gothic Syyle of Art in England
In 1200, the gothic syle of art and architecture began to grow in popularity in England. This included rounded windows and equisite details. Some gothic artisits include Giovanni Pisano and Nicola Pisano.
(Grun 163) -
Aug 15, 1201
Alcohol being used for medical purposes
In the early 1200s, scientists discovered that alcohol could be used for medical purposes. Physicians began to use it around 1200 or 1201 to disinfect wounds. Today, alcohol is used very commonly for disinfection and is very important in medical practices. (Grun 163) -
Dec 10, 1202
Genghis Khn re-establishes the Silk Road
Khan re-establishes a huge trade route throughout Eurasia called the Silk Road. This is significant because the Silk Road helped with the unification of Eurasia and the spreading of cultures. It also brought great prosperity to the Mongolian Empire. (biography.com) -
Jun 2, 1205
Attack on the Tanguts of Xi Xia
in 1205, Khan launches an attack on the Tanguts, a people of Tibetin origin located in Xi Xia. In 1207 and 1209, there are two further campaigns in pursuit of Xi Xia. Durin the campaign of 1209, the Tanguts were forced to surrender. This is significant because this was a major conquest of Khan. -
Dec 6, 1211
Pursuit of the Jin Dynasty
Khan struck the Jin dynasty of northern China. He was lured by the Jin Dynasty's extensive rice fields, as well as it's great artistic and scientific wonders. The campaign lasted 20 years. This is significant because the Jin Dynasty was a major conquest of the Mongolian Empire.
(biography.com) -
Jan 1, 1215
Cotton manufactured in Spain
In 1215, Spain began to manufacture cotton.
This was the beginning of the cotton industry that would prevail for hundred of years to come. Cotton would become one of the most important crops and would affect the world.
(Grun 169) -
Dec 6, 1215
Attack on Peking
After being his conquest of China in 1211, Khan makes his way towards Peking (pres. day Beijing). He virtually destroyed the city and it's inhabitants. This is significant because it was one of the major conquets of the Mongolian Empire.
(Knight 134) -
Dec 11, 1218
Dannebrog adopted by Denmark
In 1218, Denmark adopted a flag called Danneborg. It was the first national flag ever adopted. Today, national flags are a part of every country and are important in a country's image.
(Grun 167) -
Aug 20, 1221
War with Jalal al-Din
Genghis Khan attempted to estabish trade relations with the Khwarizm Empire. The governer of Otrar had suspicions that it was a cover for a mission to take over. When Khan heard of this, he sent a diplomat to retrieve the governer. Jalal al-Din, leader of the Khwarizm Empire, retaliated by sending Khan the head of the diplomat. This enraged Khan and he took over the Khwarizm Dynasty, consisting of present-day Iran, Afghanistan, Southern Russia, Georgia, and Armenia.
(biography.com); (Knight 134) -
Aug 13, 1227
Genghis Khan dies
At the age of 65, Genghis Khan died, presumably by falling off a horse. He was buried in North East Mongolia. It is said that 40 horses and 40 maidens were slaughtered at his grave.
(Knight 135).