The Life Of Elmir Babahmetovic

By djrimle
  • George Washington was elected

  • World War 1

  • When i was born

    I was Born on DECEMBER 23 1997
  • My first word was mama

    some month and day in this year
  • First hair cut

    My first hair cut was when i was 8 dont know what month or day
  • When i took my first baby steps

    it was in that year i do not know what day or month
  • Took my first jump

    took my first jump sometime in this year
  • My first play in the snow

    dont know what day or month
  • When i started running

    i started running when i was 1 or 2 years old dont know what day or month
  • When i first flew in a plane

    i was 2 when i first flew in a airplane
  • When i first rode a bike

    i was 6-7 when i first rode my bike dont know what day or month
  • My first tooth that came out

    dont know what day or month
  • When i first watched tv

    I was 7 when i first watched tv
  • Barrack Obama was elected

    Barrack Obama was elected
    He was elected the 44th President of the United States
  • My first time playing soccer

    My first time playing soccer was when i was 11 yrs young
  • Haiti earthquake

    magnitude of 7.0
  • My first time playing basketball

    My first time playing basketball was when i was 12 yrs young in 2010 dont know what day or month exact
  • When i first got my cellphone

    I was 13 when i first got my cellphone i do not know what day or month
  • Freshmen

    I Signed up at this school on AUGUST 15 2013
  • I joined club fitness

    i joined club fitness at age 15 of september in 2013 dont know what day.
  • My first interview at panda express

    My first interview was at panda express i do not know what day
  • When the Timeline is due

    This date is when the timeline is due 8/26/14
  • San Francisco Bay, California

    3.9 Magnitude earthquake