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The life of Elaine Espinosa

  • Born Day

    Born Day
    I was born on August 15 2000. I live in Malapit San Isidro Nueva Ecija. My parents are so happy when I am birth.
  • 1 Year Old.

    1 Year Old.
    This picture was taken when I'm 1 years old this was my birthday picture when my mom taken me in the studio.
  • Girls Scout

    Girls Scout
    This is my picture when I join the girls scout in San Vicente Elementary school. I'm 8 years old. I was so excited to experience this activity. I am happy
  • Grade 7

    Grade 7
    This was my grade 7 picture. First day of school, I am so excited to meet my friends and classmate.
  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day
    This was my certificate when I graduated in Grade 6 in Tibag Elementary School. I am 13 years old.
  • Prayer Meeting

    Prayer Meeting
    I am 13 years old when we went to guimba to had a prayer meeting. I'm so happy when I join them.
  • Youth Camp

    Youth Camp
    This picture was taken youth camp 2014 in tagaytay. I am blessed because I experience different this about Jesus.
  • Make up Contest

    Make up Contest
    This is one of my picture when I experience to win the contest in make up contest. They choose me as a model.
  • Red Cross

    Red Cross
    When I join the red cross I experience how to help the people.
  • Pictorial

    This was the picture when I joined the contest. At a pictorial in sportfest 2017.
  • JS Prom

    JS Prom
    When I join the JS Prom, memorable experience. I join the contest and I am best in attire. I am so happy that night, I wear a gown like a princess.
  • Moving Up

    Moving Up
    This was picture in moving up and I receive a conduct award and I experience how happy I am that day because I thank God I finish my study with the help of my parents.
  • poops family

    poops family
    Lily,Byda,Jheanne, Kath and me became friends.
  • Pageant

    This was my first time to join pageant in sportfest. I don't expect that I won 2nd runner up.
  • My Self

    My Self
    My Present me.
  • Socialization

    This was the time of socialization in covert court in tibag. I join with my friends.
  • Tae ng manok

    Tae ng manok
    I really enjoy this moment.