Eliza Brown
Today is my birthday. I am no longer a child no matter what mommy and daddy say. I am now six years old. Mommy is in the kitchen making dinner and nanny Ruby is trying to "properly" dress me for a good meal. I do not want to wear a dress, i am in the closet writing in you! The book daddy gave me this morning as a gift he said it is a "journal" and it is for writing. I just heard the door open, daddy is home! I will have to come out of the closet soon, i hope i dont have to wear that dress. -
Catherine King
Today as it was my 9th birthday daddy came home from work earlier, mother had prepared a delicious meal even thought this winter has been bitterly cold. I watcher her as she brought up the old wheat smoked dhicken and jarred vegtables to the kitchen counter. When daddy came home he also had a gift for me it was a book, but when i opened the book it was empty. Daddy explained it was a journal and only the most important people had them. This is the best birthday ever! -
Period: to
The Life of Catherine King and Eliza Brown
C.K.- School
Stephan and I got home from school mere minutes ago. He sure is an annoying older brother, but i love him so. The whole walk home from school we had to take the route through town to reach our home just out of town. Stephen kept reminding me that he is 3 years older and quite better than me. I think not, I just walked on ahead. When we got home mommy asked me to help her fold laundry and asked Stephen to fetch some bread from town. I sure have had a lot of chores latley. -
E.B- Im getting a brother!
When I came home from schol today mommy was lying on her bed and daddy was beside her, why is daddy home from work so early?Nanny Ruby was not home, maybe she was in town. Mommy had a big smile on her face and daddy was laughing. I asked daddy why he was so happy. He told me i was going to have a baby brother. I am so excited! We can play with my dolls and have tea parties we will be the closest of friends. -
C.K- Today at school...
At school today we learned how to embroider. I made the best pattern and I am going to give it to mommy when I get home. She is so good at sewing she will be so proud! During class today my dear friend Susan Willow got hit on the arm with Mrs.Sadie's pointer stick. It must have hurt a lot. But I guess she deserved it, she was after all writing with her left hand. Perhaps shes a witch inquired Mrs.Sadie and the class began to whisper. Poor Susan, she cant be a witch. She would have told me. -
E.B- Moving
Today nanny Ruby took me in to town. We bought bread, some pale yellow yarn for mommy, and sugar. When we got home mommy and daddy were wating for us in the drawing room. Mommy sent nanny Ruby to start preparing supper and daddy sat me down and together they told me that i was moving to live with uncle Charles in the new land and nanny Ruby is coming with me! I suppose i will miss mommy and daddy but they are coming shortly after the baby is born. And this will be a new adventure in its own way. -
E.B- The journey begins
Today is the day my journey begins. My bags are packed and sit beside the door along with nanny Rubys. I have written a note for my brother who mommy told me will be named Jacob. I wrote a note about my time in this house, in London and about nanny Ruby I hope they will meet wery soon. I am sure that if Jacob is as curious as me he will find my note.Nanny Ruby and I will take a carrage to the docks from which we will take a boat to the new land. Daddy has called me, it is time to leave. -
C.K- Planting
Today is an exciting day i am helping mommy cook! I can not wait. The Mr. and Mrs.Tompson and their daughter Linda are coming for dinner. I must look my best! I have just picked out the perfect dress to wear after mommy and i prepare dinner. It is a pale pink spring dress with beautiful golden embroidery at the bottom and my hair will be in a bun. Linda will be impressed indeed. While mommy and i get supper ready stephen will have to gather the logs for the fire that daddy will make tonight. -
my journey has been fabulous so far, the scenery was breath taking and the ocean breeze was wonderful. It was definately a change from London. the new land is strange and wonderful in its own way. the town are much samller than in London and the people are also very different. I met Uncle Charles and Aunty Sophia today, they are very nice I am excited to start my new life here -
E.B- A new friend
Today I went to the woods to explore. When i came to Canada last year it was a rainy spring and aunty Sophie disaproved of tracking mud in the house. All summer I had to plant and all fall i had to harvest. The winters were much colder than in london and i have realised Aunty Sophie and Uncle Charles are not rich like daddy. I have had to work often and have explored little today is my chance. I found a lovley flower patch near a stream where a girl was having a picnic. Her name is Catherine. -
C.K- The forest
As I have been working so hard latley, mother gave me the day off. I am planning to explore the forest as i did when I was yonger. I have not had much free time to go to the woods. I am planning to have a picnic at the old stream next to the wild flower patch that i loved so dearley when i was younger. That place is truly special. i hope something wonderfull happens today. As I am leaving at noon I must go and prepare lunch. I know today willl be very special. -
C.K- My friend Eliza
Over the course of the last few months Eliza and I have become the closest of friends, regardless of our age diffrence. we often meet up at the forest and eachother's homes in our free time. It is such a pity that her mother is sick. Eliza told me that shortly after she arrived she began to recive lettters from her father, the letters took quite a bit of time to get from london to Canada so she heard about news a while after it occured. News like how her mother became sick. -
E.B- Changed forever
My life will never be the same. I just cant stop weeping over the loss of my mother and unborn brother. When i came home from the forest with Catherene a few days ago I got the letter. I had recieved many letters before saying that my mother was sick with pneumonia. The doctor said if properly treated it would cause no harm. It just got worse, it was improperly treated i suppose and now I have lost my mother. My father didn't take care of her. This is his fault. I can never forgive him. -
C.K-Dinner with Eliza tonight
After a long day of harvesting we have invited Eliza and her family over for supper. Even though her mother passed away a year ago it deeply changed a part of Eliza, the part that relates to family I dont think she will ever trust her father again. After i told my parnets about her mother's passing she and her family have been invited to supper quite a bit. And our families have taken quite a liking to eachother which is good since i get to see Eliza more often. -
E.B-I got a letter
After I helped Aunty Sophie and nanny Ruby trun the some of the fruits we harvested into jams for the winter I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to open it and it was a mesenger holding a single letter adressed to me. It was from my father, or at least the man who was my father. As I did not write back to his last few letters, he was asking me why and what he had done. That man is filthy he let my mother die I will never write back. I burnt the letter in the fire downstares. -
E.B-The Government
Tonight at the dinner table the most peculiar event occured, As I came down for dinner late I overheard Aunty Sophie and Uncle Charls argueing while nanny Ruby cleaned. They seemed to be argueing about the government, what is the matter with our government? Unfortunatley they noticed me before I could run back to my room or find out. -
E.B-Our Government is Corrupt
For the second time Uncle came back today, I apollozige for not writting about the first time but I shall write about the first time and this time now; I have just been so busy lately. Uncle told me that the Conferences were a sucess. The first one being in Charlottetown and the second in Qubec city.Uncle Charles may have a tough job but he gets to travel. The Charlottetown Conference brought togather the four colonies, New Brunswick, Nova Soctia, Prince Edward Island, and the Province of Canada -
E.B-Uncle's back
Uncle is finally home! Aunty Sophie is overjoyed as is nanny Ruby, whom has taken quite a liking to Sophie and Charles. Over dinner uncle told us about the conferences he attended, the first was in Charlottetown the second in Quebec City. The confences brought togather the 16 delegates from the province of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,Prince Edward Island. I have so much to say but I would rather tell Cathrine, I am meeting her in the forest soon I have so much to tell her. -
C.K-This Winter
This years harvest was not very bountyful, i fear we will not have enough food to last the winter. Stephen and I have constenty collecting firewood as father is often at work and mother seems to always be cooking and cleaning. -
C.K- Big News!
Oh, I am truly excited today. For I have just heard the greatest of news! Mother is going to have a child, again! We do not know much at this point as she is only a few weeks pregnant. All we know is that she needs to rest so I will be taking over most of the cooking and cleaning for a while, but I dont mind! Oh, I cant wait to tell Eliza! -
E.B- A baby!
I have not seen Catherine in about a week, she has been so busy latly I did not know why, untill today. On our way home from school she told me her mother was expecting a child! I am so happy for her, yet I cant help but remember my mother and Jacob. Catherine knows of my mothers passing but not of Jacobs. I will never forget the way my mother smiled and her strawberry blond hair. I have to tell Catherine, I cant keep this botteled up forever. Or I fear I will burst. -
C.K- Poor Eliza
I am sorry that I could not write in my journal for a while, since I have been so busy with chores around the house. A few months ago Eliza told me something terriable about what really happened to her mother. She told me that around the time her mother died she was expecting a baby. Eliza's unborn brother Jacob and when her mother died so did her brother, she will never meet him. I feel devestated for her I cant imagine losing Stephen. I am and will continue trying to help her as best I can. -
E.B- The Conference
Today as I was walking through town I heard two of the local merchants talking, they looked concerned. I heard them mention something about a conference in London. Oh no not another conference, Uncle Charles will have to leave again! I ran home. Tonight at dinner I confronted Uncle, It may have been rude but I needed to know if he was going. He is. -
C.K- I Heard..
Lately I have been working quite a bit, helping mother take care of the baby and cook and clean around the house. However, in spare time I see Eliza and today seeing her in the woods she told me the most peculiar thing about our government. She told me the real father left, I dont know why he wont tell me he just wants me to fous on school I suppose. -
C.K- A new King
I cant believe it just hours ago my baby brother opened his eyes for the first time. Its early in the morning but it is still dark, I awoke this morning to my mothers screams, Stephan and I raced into the room. Finally it was the momment we were so anxiously waiting for. As i helped mother Stepen raced to get a blanket. It seemed to happen so quickly but I know it took a while, and soon my brother was born. After holding him for what seemed like forever i raced to Eliza's house. -
E.B-Catherine's new brother!
Just hours ago I was so rudly awakened by Catherine standing at my door step. My whole family was awake by now, but as it was Catherine at the door I didnt mind. Her face was utterly flushed but she was grinning. Before I knew it she was rushing my whole family to her house. I was so confused but I had no time to ask questions. She raced us up the master bedroom and I knew it was somthing important. As we turned the corner into the bedroom I saw him for the first time. Catherine's new brother. -
C.K- An Injury
Today the worst thing imaginable happened, and I was there to watch it. We were out collecting herbs by the river bant in the woods and it was quite a lovley day. But Stephen slipped on the mud and toppled into the river. All I heard wasd a snap and a scream. I managed to help him out iof the river and home but the damage was already done. We sat him on the couch his arm was bent very badly.I ran to Eliza's house to fecth nanny Ruby, while Eliza and I ran to the apothecary shop. -
E.B- The London Conference
The British north america act came to power today as it is offically a law. The union of the provinces has united us alll as Canada! Nova scotia, New brunswick, and the province of Canada are now a united nation. Uncle told me all about the London confrence he atteneded a few months ago, I wish to travel someday as well. The confrence was held in London England. It was to dicuss the froming of Canada. The chairman of the confrence was John A. MacDonald the primer of the province of Canada. -
C.K- Healed, all better now.
Stephan's arm has now fully recovred. He is now back to moving lumber and chopping wood. Elizas nanny said he may not have recovered fully and that his arm may have been permadently damaged. He is very lucky. -
E.B- Our special day!
One of the first things I learned about my best friend was that we share the same birthday. I feeel that connects us in a way I cant decribe so every year since we have met we get together on that day, today. It is our special day. -
C.K-Our special day!
Its been years since I've wrote about my birthday It is rude when becoming a lady to write about oneself too much. But this day was just too wonderful to go unmentioned. As Eliza and I share a birthday we always celibrate, usually in the woods with a picnic like how we met. But this year Eliza came to my house we has a party and the most delictable danishes from the baker. We sang and danced long into the night. I am now 18. -
E.B- The harvest
It's that time of year again, the harvest is upon us! We have grown quite a wonderful crop this year thanks to Nanny Ruby. She works oh so hard and after my mothers passing she has been the closest thing I have to a mother. She is truly a part of the family. We woke up at dawn this morning and got our baskets. We made our way outside, but not uncle he has to work. A pitty the harvest is fun. We plucked all day untill the sun was behind us. Tomorrow we get to jam fruits, I am so happy. -
Oh my dear lord, today the strangest thing happened I met sombody. He is tall and hansome with big brown eyes and an angular face with a feirce look in hisa eyes. He is so kind though and he is the son of the baker. I have never seen him around before though... strange. We met in the bakery just hours ago. Mother sent me to get a loaf of bread. While I was admireing the delacies, he asked what I was looking for. His
voice was like silk and his hair, oh his hair. I am going back tommorrow. -
E.B- The Meeting
Today is tha day when I finally get to meet Cathrine's new friend Edwin. She talks about him all the time, every conversation we have leads to him. This can be a little annoying at times but I am truly happy for her. She has found true love. Yet, she still does not know how he feels of her but no matter. I know if anyone found out about this, it would be a huge disgrace to her family. As I believe her parents have plans for her betroval. -
A few months ago my best friend Eliza met the man I know know I love, Edwin. They (thankfully) like each very much. And since then we often meet up in the woods at our special place. My parents probably wouldn't mind me being friends with a boy but my time to tell them has passed. They will ask why I didnt tell them earlier when I met him and I will not be able to tell them the truth without revealing how I truly feel. -
E.B-A feeling
Catherine and Edwin are getting so close, lately I feel like she does not even have time for me let alone want to be with me now that she has Edwin. She is like the older sister that I never had ,and yet while I remain a little upset with Catherine not spending time with me I am truly happy for her. Edwin is a great guy and I can see why she feels the way she does about him. And I think the feeling is mutual. -
E.B- A Connection
This winter has been brutal. Catherine and I both agree, along with Edwin and everyone else. Nanny Ruby has constantly been working on the fire, which just wont start. If it doesnt we are sure to freeze.There has been such a hard blizzard that within a few steps outside you can get completely lost and end up miles from home. Nevertheless, Nanny Ruby and I have been constantly going into town to trade with the first nations, anything to keeps us warm beause they have many diffrent and warm furs. -
C.K- Best Day Ever
I am truly overjoyed. Today has been the best day of my life. It all started mere hopurs ago. Mother sent me to the bakery to get some bread sine we were all out. And today was the day Edwin happened to be working, I feel like we have this special connection since we always seem to find eachother no matter what. When I we saw eachother at the bakery we talked for a long time, which ended up with him showing me how to bake bread. I have to go now since mother is calling me, but I will be back. -
C.K-The Best Day Ever
I am back mother had called me down from my room to have a talk. She was furious that I came home so late. I did not tell her anything but she said when father comes home we will have a talk. Now back to the best day ever. i knew I should have left but something stopped me. We talked and ate long after the sun had gone down. Edwin looked so messmerizing under the star light. I must have been staring at him for too long because our eyes met. That was when he said " I love you"... -
E.B-Love hurts
It has been many months since Catherine told me about what happened between her and Edwin at the bakery. And ever since then I have seen less and less of Catherine. I really am losing her I dont even see Edwin anymore. They are too buizy with each other. I am happy for them but... Latley I have been seeing my other friends Rachel and Susan more often, and although I truly miss Catherine I can tell she doesnt miss me. -
C.K- I thought I had everything...
It has been over a year since Edwin told me he loved me and it has been almost a year since I told him I did too. And although my parents still dont really know what happened that night, I thought my life was perfect. The best man and the best friend in the world. But I guess Eliza didnt feel the same. I notised she has not been with me and Edwin latly. I see less and less of her each day. I feared she prefered her other friends, oh how I hoped it wasn't true. It was. I cant stop the tears. -
E.B- What have I done?
I have been so busy latly, helping Ruby and getting to better know my new friends. Whom have been all I have, after what I did too Catherine . I simply havent had time to write, but I have been burning to spill, to get it out, what I did. I just got fed up with being ignored, I miss my best friend. But I told her so rudly I now see. I guess storming up to her and yelling and crying wasn't the way to go about telling her. I so badly want to explain, to appologise. But I dont know how to face her -
C.K- I miss my best friend
Edwin and I are going great. But, I cant get this pain out of me. I see Eliza every day at school and it kills me. When our eyes lock we just look away not like when we used to laugh it off years ago. When it was all okay. I miss her so. I want to talk to her, I must. -
C.K- Worse and worse
First Eliza now this. A few hours ago I was out with Edwin, my parents thought I was at home reading I turned around after sneaking in through my window and my parents were there, Furious. They ran to the window and saw Edwin. Now they know, they know we are together. They screamed and screamed, so I ran. I ran and ran to the forest. I cant go back I just cant. But I cant stay here all night I will freeze to death. The person I need right now is not Edwin but Eliza and thats where I am going to -
E.B- Bitter Sweet
A few hours ago Catherine was standing at my doorstep shivering and in tears. No one was home since Uncle, Aunty and nanny Ruby were at a gathering. So i let catherine in, to see her like that it broke me. Between sniffles she recounted the events of the evening. All i could do was tell her "I am sorry". I appogized for my recent behaviour and jealousy. And she too apppolized for being caught up with Edwin, and she said that she too had missed me. We are friends agaiun, and
will always be. -
E.B-An explanation
This morniung Catherine and I ventured back along the dirt path to her house where her mother father and brother were waiting in the living room. They locked shocked more than anything. It was silent for amoment and then Catherine began, she eoldthe whole story. Every single detail. Then there was more silence. Finally her fother got up and in his low calm tone almost shouted"We have plans for your betroval." With that Catherine uttered "No" grabed me and ran out. -
E.B-My new roomate
Ever since the incident with her parents Catherine has been staying at my house. It is alot of fun, and Uncle and Aunty adore her because she is polite, and she cooks and cleans and she has perfect table maners. Cattherine and I get togather with Edwin often, however there has been talk of the baker's son and the council memeber's daughter. Everyone knows still we try not to let it bother us. Still things are getting really serious with them, I truly am happy for them. -
C.K- Engaged
Edwin proposed! It happened only mere hours ago, while we were walking along the ravine. We weretalking, just talking like we always do and then it happened. He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring, It was a small silver band with a tiny diamond implanted in it. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And said "Will you marry me?".I was shell shocked but all I could say was. "Yes!" -
C.K-So what?
While I was in town with Edwin and Eliza mother saw and approched me, she told me to meet her at our house at noon. I arrived at the house. Mother greeted me at the doorstep and welcomed me inside. When I walked in I saw a hansome man. I learned his name was Jefferson and within moments he was on one knee holding the biggest diamond ring I have ever seen. It took me a while to realise he was proposing. I looked at mother and I couldn't believe it she tricked me. "No" I turned and left. -
C.K- That day
A month ago a complete stranger proposed to me at the request of my mother and father. I wrote an entry on that day but I didnt tell the whole story, I was too upset...After I left the house mother ran after me. I must say it is hard to run in heels. She caught up and grabbed my arm. But befor she could speek I said" I am in love and am to be wed soon, I no longer need you in my life if you are to be such a burden. You are welcome to the wedding but feel no pressure to come" I then left. -
E.B- Engaged!
I cant believe it I am so happy and excited! It has been a while since Catherine asked me to plan her wedding with her and longer since she told me she was engaged! I am so happy! But I am concerned what people say. They think it's impractical for a girl to be wed without her parents consent. When we walk into town Catherine gets nasty looks she doesnt deserve, all she did was fall in love. Oh well. We have invited many to the wedding and it is all planned out. It is only a matter of months! -
C.K-My big day!
Today was the best day of my life! As I walked down the aisle all I could think was how perfect my life is. Yet my family was not here on my day. My father did not walk me down the aisle, mother was not smiling in the crowd. But I betrayed them I suppose, but I would have done it again and again. And as we kissed all I could think was how hansome Edwin is, and now he is mine always, forever. Eliza helped me through the whole thing, what weould have happened if in the woods we hadn't met. -
E.B- A Stranger
The sun had already gone down when Edwin Catherine Susan Mavis and I headed to the local pub. It was Catherin and Edwin's first wedding anniversairy. Aunty and Nanny Ruby keep trying to cvonvince me to settle down and start a family like Catherine. But I want to go explore the world. As I was lost in thought I almost tripped and fell on the man infront of me. Luckily I caught myself before that happened still he looked at me and I applogized, he offered to buy me a drink. -
E.B- A new hope
It has been over a year since I met Damon, he is so kind and actually very hamsome with his deep blue eyes and dark hair. I instantly felt a connection to him and I felt it get deeper when I found he is an explorrer. I told Catherine imediately and she was so excited for me. But why? She seems to think I have feelings for him and he feels the same. She must be dreaming. Why would he feel anything for me? Still he tells me all about his travels. I cant help but smile. -
C.K- Love?
I have never been so excited for Eliza, I think she may have found somebody. He is so hansome even I can admit, and I hope somthing starts between them it is beyond her age to settle down. I believe he does have feelings for Eliza. Damon has taken a liking to Edwin and the four of us get together so often. Edwin and I bought a house not long ago and tending to the home is hard work but it is all worth it. I have never been so happy. -
E.B- The best day of my life!
I cant calm down. My heart is pounding, and I cant think straight! I am about to tell Uncle Aunty and Ruby. But this is what happened. Damon and I were walking through the woods today exploring as I did when I was a child. It was perfect untill Damon faced me and said "I have to leave" My heart stopped he continued "Would you like to come? Exploring?" He smiled. "I can't" I replied. He said "maybe this will change your mind" and he pulled out a ring and got down on one knee. "Yes" I smiled. -
E.B- My big day
When I told Uncle and Aunty they were overjoyed to here that I was going to be wed, they instanly took a liking to Damon and said that he was an example of a fine young man. Today is my big day. I am so excited everyone is going to be out there except Father. Still, today is going to be perfect. My dress is so pretty even on me. Catherine selected it with me and now she is buisy pinning up my hair. In moments I will be out there. I love Damon. -
E.B- A newer king
This morning I awoke to a Catherine knocking at my door, this wasnt the first time. Edwin was with her. Damon and I invited them in, they sat on the sopha and Catherine begane to cry. I ran to her side and she smiled, as did Edwin. "Were expecting a child" Catherine said. I knew I couldnt keep in the tears so I let them out and between sobs Catherine and I hugged as we have so many times before. -
E.B- A new adventure
Yesterday Damon told me that we were offered the chance of a lifetime. To explore for the Queen, on an expedition. This was the worst timing. I have wanted to explore all my life but now my best friend ever is pregnant! I simply can not go. I must be there for her and I am going to tell Damon nthat I can not go however I do not expect him to stay. -
E.B- It's a Girl
Damon decided not to go, he gave up his opportunity to explore for the Queen, so he could be here with us. We have been staying at Catherine's for a while and just hours ago she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lillian. It was such a joyus ocassion, everyone was there even Catherine's parents whom she handn' t talked to in a while. Everyone was so happy this really was the perfect family. -
C.K- My new famliy
Raising a family is tough, I cant believe mother did it with two children! But raising a baby girl is such a joy. She is the most wonderful thing in the world to Edwin and I. I love taking her to the forest, town. and to Elizas house. Eliza and Damon have been such an important part in Lillen's upbringing. They are the perfect couple and they would be wonderful parents. They are so adventurous, perfect for eachother. As the days go by I love Edwin more and more. -
C.K- They Return
I have looked after Damon and Eliza's new house in their absence. It feels like a habbit going there everyday with Lillian. Lillan is three years old now and she gets more and more beautiful by the year. Still I hope everyday that Damon and Eliza return from their recent journey. I am worried because I havent heard from them in a while, in the begining I got a few letters but then they suddenly stopped. They have been gone for over a year, I miss them so much. -
E.B- A new Brown!
Today was amazing. It all started when Edwin, Lillian and I were heading towards Eliza's house when we entered we saw Eliza and Damon but they were not alone, there was a baby in Eliza's arms. I was so shocked. Eliza explained that in her condition it was so hard to write and that she tried however the letters could not be sent because of their location. I was so gald that she was home and that she had finally started a family. Still when I looked at her I saw the young girl I met in the woods. -
E.B- I never thought
I never would have thought I of all people would be a mother. I never would have thought I would be an explorrer, no matter how I hoped to be one. But my life has turned out wonderfully. The best man, the best child, the best friends. My life is perfect. But I dread having to tell my daughter she has no grandmother. The Kings are coming over for dinner tonight, however. I am so excitind Daemon and I have prepared the best meal. Our children will be fast friends. -
C.K- A family reunion
Today the Browns were coming over for dinner. It feels like I have not seen Eliza in so long eventhough I just saw her last week. Still I miss her and I love playing with little Max and so does Lillian. Eventhough we are not related by blood Eliza is family. -
C.K-Lillen King
I remember the day I got my journal. Daddy handing it to me after work. The times it brought my through. It knows all my secrets and it will newer tell just like Edwin and Eliza it is a part of my life. I wish for my daughter to share that joy. In town last week I saw the most beautiful leather book, with blank pages. I am going to present this gift that I hold so dear to me to my daughter after dinner by the glow of the fire. Thus is born the journal of Lillen King. -
Max Brown
Today is a special day I am about to pass something on to Max a journal. It is something I hold dear to my heart, it has been there for me in my darkest times. It has gotten me through every step and turn in my life and now I want to pass this on to my son. I still remember the day my father gave me my journal. I was six this was before my mother dided when we were a family. And so I want Max to have one so he could always have a part of me with him. Thus is born the journal of Max Brown.