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The Life of Canadian Artist Alex Colville (source - http://alexcolville.ca)

By ACEden
  • Birth of David Alexander Colville

    David Alexander Colville, known publicly as Alex Colville, was born on August 24th, 1920 in Toronto, Canada.
  • Colville Moves to Nova Scotia

    In 1929, Alex Colville moved to Amherst, Nova Scotia.
  • Graduation and Army

    Colvilles graduated from Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B. with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. He then enlisted in the Canadian Army.
  • Period: to

    Marriage to Rhoda Wright

    Alex Colville was married to Rhoda Wright from 1942 until her death in 2012.
  • Graham Alexander

    Alex Colville’s first son, Graham Alexander Colville, was born.
  • John Harrower

    Colville’s second son, John Harrower, is born.
  • Period: to

    Teaches at Mount Allison University

    Colville began teaching at Mount Allison University in 1946, and resigned in 1963.
  • Charles Wright

    Colville’s third son, Charles Wright Colville, is born.
  • Ann Christian

    Colville’s first daughter, Ann Christian, is born.
  • First Solo Exhibition

    His first solo exhibition is held at the New Brunswick Museum in Saint John.
  • New York Exhibition

    Solo exhibition Hewitt Gallery, New York
  • Soldier and Girl at Station

    Soldier and Girl at Station
    Glazed tempera on hardboard
    40.6 x 60.9 cm
    The Thomson Collection, Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Horse and Train

    Horse and Train
    Glazed tempera
    40 x 53.3 cm
    Art Gallery of Hamilton
    Gift of Dominion Foundries and Steel Ltd., 1957
  • New York Exhibiton No. 2

    Second one-man exhibition, Hewitt Gallery, New York
  • Toronto Exhibitions

    Exhibitions at the Hart House Gallery and the Laing Galleries, both in Toronto
  • Won Dunn International Award

    Colville exhibits at the Banfer Gallery, New York; receives the Won Dunn International Award, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton.
  • Commissioned by the Government of Canada

    Commissioned by the Government of Canada to design coins commemorating Canada’s centennial year.
  • To Prince Edward Island

    To Prince Edward Island
    Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard
    60.9 x 91.4 cm
    Collection National Gallery of Canada
    © National Gallery of Canada
  • 33rd Venice Biennale

    Represents Canada at the 33rd Venice Biennale; travelling exhibition of war paintings organized by the National Gallery of Canada; exhibition at Hart House, University of Toronto.
  • Officer in the Order of Canada

    Named an Officer in the Order of Canada; receives an honorary D.Litt. from Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario
  • Period: to

    Visiting Artist at the University of California

    For the span of about one year, Colville was a visiting artist at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
  • Honorary LLD from Mount Allison University

    Colville receives an honorary LLD from Mount Allison University.
  • Honorary LLD from Dalhousie University

    Exhibits at Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, Germany; receives an honorary LLD from Dalhousie University, Halifax.
  • Exhibits at Marlborough Fine Art

    Exhibits at Marlborough Fine Art, London, England.
  • Visiting Artist, Berlin

    Visiting artist, Berliner Kunstlerprogramm, Berlin.
  • Moves to Wolfville, Nova Scotia

    Moves to Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Receives honorary degrees from Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., and the University of Windsor, Ontario.
  • Molson Prize

    Awarded Molson Prize (Canada Council); receives honorary D.Litt. from Acadia University, Wolfville.
  • University of Regina

    Exhibits at the Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina.
  • Exhibits in Europe

    Exhibits at Gemeentemuseum in Arnhem, the Netherlands, the Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany, and Fischer Fine Art, London, England.
  • Medal for Governor General

    Designs medal for Governor General and Mrs. Jules Léger, exhibits at the Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto and Montreal.
  • Seven Crows

    Seven Crows
    Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard
    60 x 120 cm
    Owens Art Gallery Mount Allison University, Sackville NB
    Gift of Mr. Ross B.
  • Lecturer, Travelling Exhibition

    Brockington Lecturer at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario; receives an honorary D.Litt. from Memorial University, St. John’s, NL.; traveling exhibition of war art organized by the Canadian War Museum.
  • Period: to

    Chancellor of Acadia University

    Colville was the Chancellor of Acadia University from 1981 until he resigned in 1991.
  • Companion of the Order of Canada

    Colville was named a Companion of the Order of Canada.
  • Art Gallery of Ontario

    The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, holds a retrospective that subsequently travels to six galleries in Canada and Germany.
  • Period: to

    Exhibits Around the World

    Exhibits in Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and London, England.
  • National Gallery of Canada

    Becomes a board member of the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (until 1993); receives honorary LLD from the University of Calgary.
  • Exhibits at the Drabinsky Gallery

    Colville exhibits at the Drabinsky Gallery in Toronto.
  • Privy Council

    Appointed to the Privy Council; exhibits at the North Bay Arts Centre.
  • Owens Art Gallery

    Exhibition of drawings at the Owens Art Gallery, Sackville, which subsequently travels to five Canadian galleries.
  • Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

    Exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal.
  • University of Manitoba

    Receives honorary degree from University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
  • On a River

    On a River
    Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard
    48 x 110.8 cm
    Private collection, Canada
  • More Honorary Degrees

    Receives honorary degrees from Bishops University and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
  • 80th Birthday

    Exhibition, “Milestones” at the National Gallery of Canada to mark his 80th birthday. Subject of CBC “Life and Times”.
  • Period: to

    Mira Godard Gallery

    2002 - Exhibits at the Mira Godard Gallery. 2004 - Exhibits at Mira Godard Gallery and Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton. 2007 - Exhibits at Mira Godard Gallery. 2010 - Exhibits at Mira Godard Gallery.
  • Honors and Exhibitions

    Receives Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts.
    Named a member the Order of Nova Scotia. Exhibition “Alex Colville: Return” Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and travelling to five Canadian galleries.
  • Artist and Car

    Artist and Car
    Artist and Car
    Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard
    26.7 x 42.3 cm
    Private collection, Canada
  • Death of Alex Colville

    Alex Colville died at home on July 16th, 2013, in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.