The life of Adrianna Ferch

  • Sister

    I came into this word with a sister already, she has been there when i needed her. We fight and hit at times but we end up making up.
  • Preschool

    I loved going to school and seeing my friends. In preschool is where i meet my best friend.
  • Learning how to ride a bike

    Learning how to ride a bike
    I was to happy to learn how to ride a bike with no help. then i finally did it i road my bike without training wheels.
  • Grandparents

    I meet my grandparents for the first time. They Are so amazing and so nice they made a big inpacked in my life, i love them.
  • Went camping with my grandparents for the first.

    Went camping with my grandparents for the first.
    We went out of town and just spent time together. We went fishing, boating, and lots of other simple but fun things.
  • Coming to the middle school

    Coming to the middle school
    When i started here in CCMS things changed, people got new friends, i got new friends. Homwork got harder, grades where truffer to keep up.
  • Math

    When i was in 6th grade math was so hard for me. Then over time i got a little better.So i make sure i try harder everyday so i can be the best i can be.
  • Little brother

    Little brother
    My little brother is a handful at times but you gotta love them. He was my mother 4th and LAST child i'm happy for that. But he is a fun little guy to mess around with
  • Mom joining Scentsy

    Mom joining Scentsy
    My mother joining Scentsy really changed our lifes . We go out of state to Scentsy Reunions. We get extra money, And on the plus side it makes our house smell good.
  • Homework

    I I use to never turn in my homework. Now this year im gonna try my hardest to turn homwork inon time and right.
  • Permit

    I will get my school permit in january so i can drive to school. This will be a lot easier so i can not be late to school.
  • Drivers licences

    Drivers licences
    I will gert my drivers licences in 2018. I will have more freedom to do things and go where i want.
  • Graduation.

    I'm gonna graduate in 2020. This will be amazing finally get out of school and go to college.
  • Uni college

    Uni college
    I will go to college to be a nurse. This will be a good time but also stressful.
  • Apartment

    I will get a arpartment so i have soemwhere to live while i'm in college. I may also just live with my parents till i'm done with college.
  • FCMC

    I will work at FCMC as a nurse. This we be a good job for me because i'm helping people.
  • Get a dog

    Get a dog
    I will get a dog in the future so i'm not bored. it will also be something for me to take care of.
  • House

    I will get a house and settle down and start my family. I may life o=in the country or live in a nice house out of town.
  • Married

    Ill get married after i get settled down and have a house. I'm not sure when but it will happen.
  • Scentsy

    I will join scentsy. I will sell it to many people.