The Life and Times of Kenesha U.

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  • Baking in the oven...(biosocial)

    Dwelled in the stomach of Jerri Carter for 41 weeks!
  • A star is born...(biosocial)

    A star is born...(biosocial)
    Kenesha Upshaw was born at 8:32pm, weighing a whopping 8lbs, and 8oz...
  • Walking....(Biosocial)

    At 8 months I decided I wanted to explore the world on my own and begin walking.
  • Miss Talk-Alot (Cognitive)

    I had an extensive vocabulary by the age of 1 and was able speak 3-4 word sentences.
  • Little Sis... (psychosocial)

    Little Sis... (psychosocial)
    at 2 years of age, my little sister was born. People often mistake us for twins.
  • Riding like a Pro! (Biosocial/Cognitive)

    Riding like a Pro! (Biosocial/Cognitive)
    When I was 3 years old I taught myself how to ride a bike with no training wheels by pusing off the stoop of my fron porch steps.
  • The real MVP...(Psychosocial)

    I took a liking to sports early on in life. At 5 years old I won my first trophy as "MVP" in little league T-ball.
  • Another one on the way...(psychosocial)

    Another one on the way...(psychosocial)
    My mom had my second sister when I was 6, she turned out to be quite the crybaby.
  • "Buckie the Beaver...." (biosocial(Psychosocial)

    "Buckie the Beaver...." (biosocial(Psychosocial)
    at the age of 6 I loss my 2 front teeth, which grew back by the age of 7. I remember getting teased for having 2 BIG buck rabbit teeth.
  • Little Bro.... (psychosocial)

    Little Bro.... (psychosocial)
    My first and only little brother was born into a house of all girls!
  • Big Head! (Biosocial/Psychosocial)

    Big Head! (Biosocial/Psychosocial)
    I was often teased in 3rd grade for having a Big head and forehead that did not fit my petite body.
  • The Big Move! (psychosocial)

    The Big Move! (psychosocial)
    At the age of 10 my mother packed up my sisters and I and moved us to little rural Lima, Ohio.
  • Good grades... (cognitive)

    Good grades... (cognitive)
    I maintained a 4.0 gpa all throughout elementary.
  • My favorite guy... (Psychosocial)

    My favorite guy... (Psychosocial)
    At the age of 12 I lost my favorite guy, my grandfather to a long battle with kidney disease. Ironicaly, I grew up to become a nurse on a Kidney Specialty floor (Nephrology).
  • Rebelling... (psychosocial)

    Rebelling... (psychosocial)
    Moved away from home to live with aunt due to a poor relationship with my mother.
  • Oh Baby! (biosocial/ psychosocial)

    Oh Baby! (biosocial/ psychosocial)
    I found out that was pregnant with my first son at the age of 17 and still in high school.
  • 1st job... (cognitive/psychosocial)

    1st job... (cognitive/psychosocial)
    Landed my first job as a sales associate at Footlocker while 4 months pregnant.
  • Baby DJ! (Biosocial)

    Baby DJ! (Biosocial)
    On Februrary 17, 2007 ay 6:32 am, my first son and the love of my life was born, weighing 7 lbs 15 oz, 21 inches long.
  • Prom and graduation... (cognitive/psychosocial)

    Prom and graduation... (cognitive/psychosocial)
    Prepared for prom and graduation only 4 months after giving birth to my oldest son at the young age of 17.
  • Mommy daughter make up (psychosocial)

    Mommy daughter make up (psychosocial)
    By the age of 19, my relationship with my mother was completely repaired and we are now cloer then ever before!
  • LPN (Cognitive)

    LPN (Cognitive)
    After a long painful year of late nights, studdy buddies and difficult clinical sessions, I graduated from Oakland Community College with my certificate in Practical Nursing.
  • Another baby...(biosocial)

    Another baby...(biosocial)
    After six years with just my first son, looks I'll be expecting my second son right around Christmas time!
  • School and baby! (cognitive/biosocial)

    School and baby! (cognitive/biosocial)
    Started registered nursing school while 5 months pregnant!
  • NYE BABY! (Biosocial/psychosocial)

    NYE BABY! (Biosocial/psychosocial)
    My second son Jayce was born! 7 lbs, 5 oz at 1:02 am
  • RN (cognitive)

    RN (cognitive)
    Graduated with my RN degree from Schoolcraft College!!!!!!!!!!!
  • First RN job! (Psychosocial/Cognitive)

    First RN job! (Psychosocial/Cognitive)
    Landed first job as an RN after only a couple months out of school.
  • My Truck! (psychosocial)

    My Truck! (psychosocial)
    I purchased the truck of my dreams as a gift to myself for graduating nuring school and landing my first nursing job.
  • WORST SCARE! (Biosocial)

    WORST SCARE! (Biosocial)
    This day was probably one of the scariest days of my life. On this day my oldest son had an accident at his cousins house and suffered second degree burns to his chest neck and back. Fortunately he's doing well and only has a little skin discoloraion from he accident.
  • NBA...(cognitive) (psychosocial)

    NBA...(cognitive) (psychosocial)
    I learned about my first NBA team from a substitue teacher in first grade. He threw our entire class a pizza party in exchange for a New York Knicks pencil!
  • BSN! (Cognitive)

    BSN! (Cognitive)
    Graduate from EMU with BSN degree!
  • Marriage (Psychosocial)

    Marriage (Psychosocial)
    Once I hit he "dirty 30" Its tim for marriage!
  • My own home! (Cognitive/psychosocial)

    My own home! (Cognitive/psychosocial)
    4 bedroom, 2 full bathrooms ranch style home!
  • Back to business! (psychosocial)

    Back to business! (psychosocial)
    During the summer of 2020, I'll launch my make up company providing make up application, consultations and tutorials to cancer patients. The name of the company will be "Beauty is in the eye..."
  • Sons Weddings! (Psychosocial)

    Sons Weddings! (Psychosocial)
    My oldest son gets married to his girlfriend of 5 years. I do all of the make up for the wedding with my new found make up company.
  • Grand Children! (psychosocial)

    Grand Children! (psychosocial)
    I am expecting my first granddaughter on my mothers birthday of June 1st.
  • Retiring...(cognitive)

    Retire from bedside nursing but still own and operate on my company that I started. On the day of my retirement my youngest son surprises me with the announcement of my new grandson.
  • Death is inevitable...(Biosocial)

    Death is inevitable...(Biosocial)
    Ill met the big guy in the sky when he feels Ive fulfilled my obligations here on earth.