The US begins a secret bombing plan
usa stas a secret bombing camp -
freedom of Cambodia
On November 1953 Cambodia got its freedom. Norodom Sihanouk the king of Cambodia said that Cambodia go in-depend between frace -
a new king and prim minster
Sihanouk steps down from being king and his father becomes king he become prime minstar. -
a king dies
Sihanouk's father dies in Phnom Penh Cambodia -
Sihanouk breaks relation US
Sihanouk breaks relation US and allows Vietnamese guerrillas to eat up a base -
prime minister lon overthrows shianoak
lon nol is overthrown as the Khmer Rouge
lon nol is overthrown as the Khmer Rouge led by pol pot occupy phonon Penh -
the country is renamed democratic kampuchea
the country is renamed democratic kampuchea -
Pol Pot dies in his jungle hideout
fighting breaks out with Vietnam
pol pot is convict of treason
pol pot is convict of treason in a show trial organized by disgruntled khmer Plouge officials -
Vietnamese forces invade in a assault
the pro Vietnamese panty wins parliamentary
the pro Vietnamese Kampuchean peoples revolutionary panty wins parliamentary elections -
hun sen becomes prime minister
Elections are won by Hun Sen's
Elections are won by Hun Sen's -
Vietnamese troops withdraw
a peace agreement is signed in Paris
Sihanouk became head of state aging
thousands of Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrender in government amnesty
thousands of Khmer Rouge guerrillas surrender in government amnesty -
Khmer Rouge leader Nuon Chea is arrested
last Khmer Rouge guerrillas Surender
last Khmer Rouge guerrillas Surender
ta mom the last of the top Khmer
ta mom the last of the top Khmer Rouge rebels was arrested -
attack on Phnom Penh
US-based Cambodian Freedom Fighters told 2000 attacked Phnom Penh -
ta mok dies
ta mok dies before appearing in front of the tribunal