
The language policies produced in Colombia

  • Colonial and independence period

    Colonial and independence period
    This period begins in the year 1540, and ends in 1810. Males from wealthy spanish families to read, write, and recite religious
  • Post-independence period

    Post-independence period
    This period begins in the year 1811, and ends in 1886 Proposed to teach many language policies
  • Diverse varied education system.

    The primary education system should be taught reading, writing, arithmetic, human rights, science, arts, religion, and philosophy.
  • The Spanish subject is implemented.

    The Spanish subject is implemented.
    Spanish as a compulsory subject. schools teaching Latin and Spanish.
  • Diversity languages

    Diversity languages
    Teaching in primary and secondary schools: Spanish, Latin, Greek, French, English and indigenous language
  • More hours of English and French

    More hours of English and French
    It extends the hours for teaching English and French within the curriculum.
  • Latin was extinct

    Latin was extinct
    Latin is extinguished as a subject
  • Period: to

    Colombia learns

    Since the guidelines in 1990, in 2004 the first bilingualism program, and in 2016 the suggested curriculum for secondary and 2017 for primary school, from here we have been working with these guidelines.
  • A foreign language in teaching

    A foreign language in teaching
    Teaching a single foreign language according to general education law.
  • Lack of continuity and coherence

    Lack of continuity and coherence
    Between 2004 and 2016 there have been four bilingualism plans and although the objectives have become more realistic, constant changes have affected the continuity, consistency, and articulation of strategies, resulting in a slow pace of work and a sense of low achievement and frustration.
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    National Plan of Bilingualism

    1.Aboriginal language. 2.The inclusion of flexible model of education. 3.The improvement of the communicative competence in English
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    Plans and policies of bilingualism in Colombia's foreign language

    Criticism of the most common aspects of politics and bilingualism plans.
  • Misconception of bilingualism

    Misconception of bilingualism
    Several misconceptions to bilingualism such as 1. Associate "bilingualism" with Spanish-English omitting the variety of indigenous languages spoken in the country, as well as a wide variety of other foreign languages. 2. Treat bilingualism separately and do not generate the interaction of codes and their cultural and social components. 3. Conceive of English as the only language that could enable empowerment and economic success, ruling out other options and strategies
  • Adoption of foreign models

    Adoption of foreign models
    Aligned teaching methodology, but this involves ruling out local experience and limiting the teacher's possibilities for professional development. In addition, this practice neglects differences between Colombian and European contexts therefore it is not possible to think about adopting a foreign model and standardizing teaching practice, must first be set as an objective and see variability in our context.
  • English brochures for teachers

    English brochures for teachers
    PNB distributes English brochures to teachers in all regions of the country, promoting (ICT) in order to enrich English teaching practices at all educational levels.
  • The privileged position of English

    The privileged position of English
    Some "bilingual schools" do not teach English and Spanish, but only English, assuming that students will learn Spanish at home or in other contexts. As a result, students are unaware of local traditions and language
  • The omission of teachers' voices

    The omission of teachers' voices
    Although many teachers have pointed out obstacles and opportunities to improve plans, the government has imposed its views and focused on political and economic aspects unware of the educational reality and pedagogical implications of its decisions.
  • Foreign Language Skills Development Strengthening Program (PFDCLE) as a strategy to learn English

    Foreign Language Skills Development Strengthening Program (PFDCLE) as a strategy to learn English
    PFDCLE, implements three strategies for monitoring and evaluating the English project as annual voluntary diagnostic tests, Teach Challenge which was a study that consisted of identifying and characterizing the population of English teachers in the official sector and monitoring Sabre exams in order to analyze the learning process of Colombian students.
  • Period: to


    Program for strengthening the development of competences in foreigh languages
  • Law of bilingualism

    Law of bilingualism
    Gave a relevant role to the acquisition of a foreign language with the aim of "developing communicative skills to read, understand, write, listen, speak and express themselves correctly in a foreign language"
  • Significant improvements in the annual voluntary diagnostic test

    Significant improvements in the annual voluntary diagnostic test
    The annual voluntary diagnostic test shows significant improvements in teachers and students in Know 11 grade exams. From 2010 to 2013, the percentage increase in English levels
  • Employability rather than social development

    Employability rather than social development
    Criticism of the PNI as it does not seek social development in education, but in order, to meet the needs of industries and elites seeking a workforce capable of communicating in English. First, it improved in the mother tongue, working on reading comprehension, deduction and induction, argumentation and critical thinking, among many other skills, would be more important for the development of the country than learning a foreign language.
  • Period: to

    Colombia Bilingüe

    Recovering the conception of bilingualism that was excluded in the PNI and getting 11-grade students to achieve a B2 level. The propose is planning strategies from teachers: continuing the diagnosis and training of teachers in language and methodologies; from methodological design, build a flexible and adaptable curriculum, and donate pedagogical resources and technology kits to schools so that students and teachers can take advantage of them.
  • Colombia Very well!

     Colombia Very well!
    It was born to continue the teaching of English in Colombia by proposing improvement strategies.
  • Period: to

    National Plan English

    The PNI started the implementation with students from 9th, 10th, and 11th grades with the intention to expand it gradually to lower levels of education.
  • Bilingual plans as a lucrative business

    Bilingual plans as a lucrative business
    There is a marketing process without an equity process, although it proposed to teach English to all Colombian students, they are exclusive as only well-off people can pay for additional courses and materials to ensure learning when needed.
  • Goals to achieve!

    Goals to achieve!
    The PNI implements objectives, one of which achieves a B1 level of English for 50% of 11th graders through teacher training in language and teaching skills; implementing three hours of English weekly and providing schools with technology to help promote English language learning. Align the 5th and 9th degree Know tests to the CEFR; make advertising campaigns to promote learning of English.