Confiscated land
In 1863 the local Maori's had the land of Ihumatao confiscated from them as the didn't support the crown. -
In the 1950's the mountain called Maugataketake was quarried. -
Airport extentions
In the 1960's Auckland airport extented its runways adding overhead noise desturbing the sacred remians of the local iwis ansestors. -
A future urban space
In 2012 the environment court ruled that all rural land west of Auckland airport should be saved and used for future urban spaces. This new rule discarded the previous decision of the Mangere gateway heritage project that would have protected Ihumatao. -
Special housing area
In May 2014 the government decided the land of Ihumatao was going to be used as a special housing area. -
SOUL is formed
In 2015 the group SOUL (Save Our Unique Landscape) was formed to help protect Ihumatoa. -
No change
As of 2016 the Auckland Council upheld its decision to keep the site for special housing despite the work of SOUL and the surrounding community. -
Sold to Fletchers
In 2016 the Ihumatoa land was sold to fletchers a private developing company after been given permission by the auckland council. -
SOUL raises awareness
In April 2017 SOUL members talked to the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous issues. -
Give a little
In early 2017 a Givealittle page had been set up to raise $3000 to help support SOUL members while they attend the UNPFII meeting in New York on April 26.