National Labor Unions Forms
This was created to make Unions stronger. They were pushing for 8 hour works days, and additional reforms. Both skilled and unskilled workers were apart of this. It is known as America's first labor union. This is what really starts the Labor Movement, and a large support group for workers. -
Great Railroad Strike
Northern railroad companies cut wages and cut off workers due to poor economic conditions. The workers were all angered, and had a walkout. The walkout turned in to all out riots, and 10 were killed. They hosted the violent strikes in big cities, such as Chicago. This made the employeer give better wages. -
Knights of Labor
This group survived through the depression. They picked up where the NLU left off, and let in skilled and unskilled workers. However, in addition, they also allowed blacks and woman into their organization. They won a few strikes, but overall were unsuccesful and were asociated with the Haymarket bombing. This kind of hurt the labor movement, because this is what starts to get labor groups associated with bad events and things. -
Haymarket Riot
Labor leaders were talking to workers in Haymarket square in Chicago, because better working conditions and 8 hour workdays were almost going to happen. The crowd became angry, and when police tried to break up the riot someone threw a bomb in the middle of the crowd, and the police open fire on the crowd. 8 officers were killed. This turned people away from labor laws and backfired on the labor movement progressing. -
Western Federation of Miners
This group typically was in competion with AFL, and were associated with the assasination of Idahos govener. They were found innocent of this crime however. They fought specifically for the rights of miners. -
Pullman Strike
Pullman car company reduced wages and increased hours, which angered workers. 3,000 of them protested, and the company shut down. The railroad company helped the workers protest. 13 protesters where killed by federal troops, and the president said it was deemed legal because it interfered with federal mail. -
The battle of Cripple Creek
Cripple creek became a landmine for gold, and the owners said that workers eiether had to give up an 8 hour work day and work more for the same pay, or keep the 8 hour work day for 50 cents less. The workers liked neither options, and rioted. The company could not get assistance from police, so they organized a private army to break up the riot killing many. I believe this helped, showing how desperate employeers where not to deal with the problems in their companies. -
The Norris-LaGuardia Act
This law was ment to prevent injunctions that were not necessary. The courts had to have a hearing, and evidence from both parties before issuing an injunction. However, this only applied to federal courts, so employeers would go to state courts instead and nothing really changed. -
Walsh-Healey Act
This was a major reform in the New Deal. It gave over time pay to workers who exceeded an 8 hour work day, child labor laws, and set an minumum wage. This created more range of pay, and more workers sprang up throughout the nation. This is a accomplishment of the labor movement, it was a huge success, It took years of hard work to accomplish. -
Taft-Hartley Act
This was an Act that prevented certain types of rioting, in response to harsh and multiple strikes in 1947. The president at the time vetoed the bill, because he thought it was restraining freedom of speech. However, Congress over ruled his veto, and to this day it still exsists. It is heavily protected by republicans. -
AFL CIO created
The two biggest union supporters merged, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. Today, this is the largest labor group representing 11 million. They have created a huge influence in workers rights.