Period: to
The Labor Movement
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city of New York and resulted in the fourth highest loss of life from an industrial accident in U.S. history -
Department of Labor
Formed in 1913. It is responsible for occupational safety, wage and hour standars, unemployment insurance befefits... etc. -
Clayton Act
One of the first laws to outlaw harmful substances. It was enacted to add substanace to the United States -
Collective bargaining
Negotiations trying to get empolyees better working conditions. -
The first "world war" it was a globar war that was centered in Europe. -
an agreement by two or more parties. Each of whom intends to create one or more legal obiagations between or among them. -
Ludlow Massacre
It was an attack by national guard and iron company against coal miners and their familys. -
Adamson Act
Established an Hour hour work day. Anything more than that was overtime. -
Open Shop
Not forced to join a union. -
It was one of the largest labor unions. It was one of the first to help females and have mostly female membership. -
Iww or Wobblies
An International Union. It claimed 100,000 members and supported about 300,000 workers. -
Largest union in the US at the time -
Samuel Gompers
Died in 1924.
He was a Union Leader and founded the A F L -
Eugene V. Debs
American union leader, one of the founders for IWW or Wobblies. -
Yellow-Dog Contract
The employee agrees to not be in a labor union. -
Mother Jones
Helped organize major strikes and confounded industrial workers all around the world. -
Great Depression
It was a worldwide economic depression in the decade before the world war 2. -
Davis-Bacon Act
establishes the requirement for paying the local prevailing wages on public works projects -
Norris-LaGuardia Act
Banned Yellow-dog contracts -
Closed Shop
A shop in which persons are required to join a particular union as a precondition to employment and to remain union members for the duration of their employment. -
Wagner Act
Used to enforce the National Labor Relations Act. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Introduces a maximum 44 hour work week -
Minumum Wage
The lowest hourly or monthly pay that a company may pay workers. -
Emma Goldman
Died in 1940. she played a big role in development of anarchist politcal philosophy.