The Kite Runner

  • Mohammed Daoud Khan seizes power from King Zahir

    Once King Zahir went on vacation, Daoud took over his place. The military was bloodless, however it was a hard time for people while the war was happening. Daoud was King for 6 years until he was killed by the PDPA.
  • The Soviet union invades.

    The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in order to boost its communist government. The Soviet Union sent thousands of troops in and thought they would win over Afghanistan right then and there.
  • Russians invade Afghanistan. Baba and Amir leave

  • Amir graduates high school

  • The Soviet Union Leaves After a 10 Year War

    After the Soviet was defeated many fought for the power of Afghanistan.
  • Sohrab is born

  • Hassan amd Farzana are killed by the Taliban.

  • The US invades Afghanistan

    They also overthrew the Taliban
  • Northern Alliance Leaders were Assassinated

    Two days later Al Qaeda launched its attack
  • Al Qaeda Was Found and Killed By Police

    US troops and CIA agents invaded Afghanistan in order to find Al Qaeda and once found he was killed.