Early Christian and Roman- Split of Rome
Diocletian divided the Roman Empire in two, with half being ruled by Byzantine and the other half being ruled by Rome. -
Early Christian and Rome- Edict of Milan
The documentation that established the ability for Christians to practice without persecution in Rome. -
Early Christians and Rome- Nicaean Creed
The rules for Christianity that the council of Nicaea created for anyone who wanted to practice Christianity. -
Early Christianity and Rome- The Sacking of Rome by Germanic Tribes
Germanic tribes pushed into Roman land past the Rhine and established living areas in their land. -
Byzantine-Theodosius II 's Wall
Defensive walls built around Constantinople, since it became the capital of the Roman Empire. -
Period: 447 to 486
Clovis and The Merovingian Dynasty
Clovis was the founding father of the Merovingian dynasty. -
Byzantine- Justinian becomes Emperor of Byzantine Empire
Justinian builds Hagia Sophia as Constantine built Constantinople -
Byzantine- Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia is built under order of Justinian as a tribute to god. -
Apr 28, 630
Islam- Muhammad Conquers Mecca
Muhammad conquests Mecca to convert them to Islamic. -
Apr 28, 661
Islam- Ali is murdered
Ali took over once Muhammad, the Islamic Prophet died. -
Apr 28, 732
Islam- The Battle of Tours
Between the Frankish leader, Charles Martel, and a massive Islamic army. -
Period: Apr 28, 751 to Apr 29, 987
The Carolingian Dynasty
The Carolingian Renaissance is the first of three renaissances, Charlemagne spread Christianity. Pax Nicephori was the agreement with Byzantine Empire to recognize Charlemagne. The Carolingian alliance promised diplomatic relations with Harun Al Rashid. -
Apr 28, 762
Islam- Abbasid Empire
When the Abbasid caliph, al-Mansur, founded a completely new city for his capital, he called it Baghdad.