The Interwar Years ( 1919-1939)

  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    In Versailles, the Paris Peace Conference was an international affair to decide the terms of peace after the war. The Big Four: France, Italy, Great Britian, and the United States, led the meeting to the formulation of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    Treaty of Versailles  is signed
    World War I is officially over, and Germany suffers heavy reparation payments from Article 231 (later known as the War Guilt clause). The three most important politicians who signed it were Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, and David Lloyd George. The Treaty of Versailles also led to the formation of the League of Nations.
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    The ban of alcohol In the early 1920's caused speakeasies and bootlegging that were highly illegal.
  • Prohibition begins

    Prohibition begins
    The 18th Amendment was ratified in 1919 and made the manufacturing, selling, or transporting of alcohol illegal. Although many rebelled, the nation turned "dry" and the act wasa heavy influence on the 21st century.
  • The 19th Amendment is passed

    The 19th Amendment is passed
    Women now have the right to vote due to the passage of the 19th amendment. Tennessee became the thirty-sixth state to ratify it, giving it the two-thirds majority of state ratification necessary to become an official law.
  • First Radio Broadcast

    First Radio Broadcast
    The first commercial radio broadcast on the presidential election was broadcasted over the radio.
  • League of Nations meets for the first time

    The first meeting was held in Geneva, Switzerland due to its state of neutrality. Forty-two countries had been represented at the meeting. Germany, Russia, and the United States were all notably absent.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    The teapot dome scandal was an oil scandal of 1921. It was a secret leasing of naval oil reserve lands to private compainies.
  • First Miss America

    First Miss America
    The first Miss America pageant is held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Margaret Gorman was the winner, awarded with the Golden Mermaid trophy that later became known as Miss America.
  • Insulin is invented

    Insulin is invented
    Dr. Frederick Banting, Charles best, Professor J.J.R Macleod and Dr. James Collip at the university of Toronto discovered Insulin, a natural hormone created in the pancreas that controls the level of glucose sugar in the blood. People who have diabetes dont produce enough insulin. In 1923, Banting and Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on discovering insulin.
  • Einstein Awarded

    Albert Einstein is awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize
    "For his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect,"
  • First human dose of insulin

    First human dose of insulin
    Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old boy is given the first human dose of insulin.
  • Reader's Digest Publication

    Reader's Digest Publication
    Dewitt and Lila Wallace found and publish the first issue of Reader's Digest.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    This treaty was the agreement between Germany and Russia to cancel any pre-war debts;.
  • King Tut Discovered

    King Tut Discovered
    The discovery Tutankhamun's tomb, an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynstast, is considered one of the most significant events in archeologist history and sparked the obsession of Egyptology.
  • The Model T Ford car is invented

    The Ford Motor Company in Detroit made the Model T. Ford, the first affordable car. Each car cost $335. They were the first company to use an assembly line.
  • Time Magazine debut

    Time Magazine debut
    First publication of Time Magazine
  • Winter Olympic Games

    The first Winter Olympic Games are held in the French Alps in Chamonix, France. Sixteen nations sent althetes to represent and participate, including the United States.
  • IBM

    The IBM corporation is founded.
  • Dawes Plan

    Thw\e Dawes Plan was the financial aid the US had offered to Germany for assisting in restructuring of reparation payments after WWI in loans.
  • Marcus Garvey

    Garvey organized a chapter of the UNIA.Garvey was an African American leader in Harlem during the Roaring 20s. He helped Jamaicans and African Americans by giving them economic and cultural independence through his movement.
  • Firat Women Governors

    Nellie Ross (WY) is inaugurated as the first woman governor of the United States. Miriam Ferguson (TX) was appointed fifteen days later.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    Ranked as the second best novel of the 20th century by Modern Library, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, depicted life during the 1920's and the Prohibiton Era. It is said to be the best representation of the time period. The novel also explores themes such as personal standards and personal limits.
  • Mrs. Dalloway

    Virginia Woolf's most well-known novel details the story of one day in the life of Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway. It is studied widely in the US, and Time Magazine declared this novel among the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.
  • Locarno Treaties

    This agreement defined Germany's western borders with France and Belgium, overseen by Britain and Italy.
  • Woman swims English Channel

    Gertrude Ederle, a former Olympic gold medalist, completed a swim across the English Channel in 14 hours and 30 minutes. The title of the first woman to cross the channel stayed with her until 1950 and her record was broken.
  • NBC is established

    The NBC Radio Network is formed by Westinghouse, General Electric, and RCA, opening with twenty-four stations.
  • First Woman Pilot

    Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Walt Disney released first animation short

    Walt Disney released first animation short
    Steamboat Willie featuring Mickey Mouse
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    Al Capone, mafioso extraordinaire, had seven members of a rival Irish North Side gang murdered. Capone's men had impersonated police officers when Capone ordered them to shoot. The weapons used were called "Tommy Guns". The photos of the event spread shock and public concern of Mafia violence.
  • Black Tuesday : The Stock Market Crash

    America had reached an economic all-time high in September. The stock market crash of 1929 led to economic crisis
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    Severe drought and duststorms are some causes of the Dust Bowl. This event took the homes, food, and lives of the residents of states such as Texas and Oklahoma. The residents of the effected states traveled to California for a new life, home, and job. This left the dust-ridden areas abandoned.
  • Major Bank Closes

    New York's Bank of the United States collapses in the largest bank failure to date in American history, ranking in at 200 million dollars lost.
  • Roosevelt Elected

    Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the election against Republican, Herbet Hoover by a landslide
  • Reconstruction

    Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. They lent 200 billion dollars to organizations and establishments such as banks, insurance companies, building and loan associations, and farming organizations. Stocks are also at their lowest rates,
  • Fireside Chat Debut

    President Roosevelt makes a radio debut with his first fireside chat. The first installment was explaining the conditions of the US bank system.
  • NLRA

    Congress passes the National Labor Relations Act, to support the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively with employers over working conditions, benefits, and wages.
  • Roosevelt Re-Elected

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is reelected for his second term.
  • Affordable Fashion

    Affordable Fashion
    Women;s fashion had adapted to the economic crisis, featuring modifications such as longer hemlines, slim waistlines, lower heels, and less makeup. This was considered the "new" look, or at least created the illusion of one.
  • World War II Begins

    Hitler invades Poland, causing the outbreak of the second World War. America is not involved until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.