Arriving At Mexico
I had arrived at the International Airport of Mexico City. Excited and eager to head on the bus to visit my grandparents. Little did I know that this vacation was gonna be more dangerous and more influential than the past year's vacations. -
The Good Deed
After staying at a hotel for a night we decided to leave to Puebla Mexico, we took the Estrella Roja bus to Puebla. By the time we made it to Puebla it had almost been sunset, when the sky turns orange and purple. I walked out and immedietly saw an elderly lady and a small child begging for money, the child was skinny and both had old wornout clothes. My family and I gave them moeny to eat and buy clothes. They immedietly headed to the nearest food stand. We watched as the boy ate with delite. -
Reusable everything
After staying a few days at Puebla we headed to my parent's small hometown of Tlaxcuapan. My grandparents aren't used to throwing away things, they reuse almost everything. Everything they use is either reused or turned into something else.They had multiple farm animals, the standard chickens, cows, and turkeys, every time they ate it was feeding time for some of their animals. The chickens and Turkeys would love to eat bananas, rice, and corn. I learned that not much goes to waste that day. -
A Day At Work
The next day my father asked if I'd like to see how my grandfather works. His typical day started at 5am. Where we walked for hours to find his cattle. The cows are the easiest to move. The bull was the problem, he was stubborn, tough, and furious. It hated people messing with his women (cows). I wondered how my grandfather was able to come almost every day and stand in front of it. it's horns not sharp but menacing. All I know is that a 93-year-old man confronted it every day. i admire him, -
An Easier Day
After the long day, finding and herding my grandfather's cattle my legs were sore. I decided to stay with my Grandma to help her out around the smaller animals. After breakfast, I went to go feed the chickens. My Grandma warned me about the rooster. I just didn't know why. I entered the cage and learned the hard way. The rooster big and angered by anyone who seems to be threatening his hens. Kneeling over to collect eggs seemed to anger him. He puffed his feathers, ready to attack. -
A new Friend
We went to a flea market. When I spotted a guy who was selling puppies. I got the one with blue eyes. I named him Dorado or golden in Spanish. Everybody loved him, the cats would even try to play with him. That night he slept near the bed and cried if he though no one was with him. My mother doesn't really like dogs, but this one seemed to have won a place in her heart. She even let him on the beds. Something that our dog back in the states couldn't achieve. -
An Incident At The Park
While my brother and I were kicking a soccer ball back and forth. I kicked it too far and then my brother came back running faster than the time he went to for the ball. He ran past me and then I heard a buzzing. Then a sting on my arm, it was only then that I figured out that the ball had landed on a red paper wasp nest. I turned round and ran. The bees only follow you for about a half a mile. Maybe a little less, or maybe a little more. I wasn't too sure about it, I didn't really care. -
The Flight To Cancun
After finally heading back to Mexico City to catch our flight to the sunny side Cancun. I was filled with excitement. I couldn't wait to finally relax. Helping my family wasn't easy, but I learned to grow into their everyday activities. I had counted down the days till We can finally leave for Cancun. We made our way to the plane. I couldn't stop but think about the plans we made while on our trip to Cancun. My family was diverse in everything, but we made it work for evyone who in my family. -
Arriving for a second time
It was sunny, Cancun. The fruit of my labor was paid off. Every part of me just wanted to check into our hotel. But the only thing was the car ride to the hotel. The car ride was about an hour, so we got to see most of the city. At night for the young adults that came for the summer. The day was for the family's, I could mix both the night and day. I choose mainly the day, Spending time with my family. When we saw the hotel I couldn't believe the view. It awed me as did the sounds of The waves. -
The Pyramid
The first stop, while not my decision, was the pyramids of Chichen Itza. Made by the Mayans, I didn't want to go, but I was glad I did. The whole thing was man-made. It surprised me. I can barely manage to put together a simple timeline and ton of people managed to build a very big pyramid without any aminal power, just simple man power. I saw a lot of things that was interesting. The mayan had also made a puma caller. It was mainly used to scare away puma's away rather than call them over.