The Industrial Revolution

By Coppell
  • Abraham Darby

    Abraham Darby
    Abraham DarbyAbarham Darby invented Coke Smelting and methods to make brass & iron goods. Coke Smelting had took the place of charcoal with coal in metal foundaries. He had founded world's first metallurgy labratory at his own Baptist Mills Brass Works factory that is the place where he had refined making brass. In all, the invention of Coke Smelting was cheaper and a more produuctive way in making iron and brass goods.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The Steam Engine Youtube Video
    Thomas Savery patented the first steam engine in 1698. His machine was a closed vessel that filled up with water into which steam under pressure was produced. In turn that forced water up and out of the mine shaft. Then cold water was poured in to condense the steam. That made a vacuum, which took out more water through the bottom valve.
  • Textile Revolution

    Textile Revolution
    Textile RevolutionThe Steps in Manafaturing textiles and clothes were:
    1. To make and clean the fiber or wool
    2. To spin it into threads
    3. To weave the threads into cloth
    4. To sew the pieces of cloth into clothes
    Great Britian had been the leader of the textile industry. The few inventions that Britian had created were the power-loom and the spinning frame. These 2 products had provided rapid production of stronger threads for yarn and weaving which was a great help to the Textile Revolution.
  • The Flying Shuttle

    The Flying Shuttle
    Flying Shuttle-
    In 1733, John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle, which was a product that improved weaving looms so that weavers could weave much faster. This new invention enabled looms to be operated by one weaver as opposed to two, which is how many the larger shuttles previously had to be operated by.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Sewing machineThe Sewing Machine first started in 1755 but when it was first a complete patent that functioned was in 1790 issued by the person named Thomas Saint. The Sewing Machine was used to stich certain items with thread. It was created to decrease the amount of labor work to create, for example shirts, blankets and etc. It was a productive machine that used needles to thread fast and easy to create products, unlike if you were to hand make the products it would take much longer.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    The Power LoomThe power loom was just like the regular loom but it was mechanically operated. Edmund Cartwright patented the first power loom in 1785. After that many different inventors improved the power loom. It was commonly used after that.
  • Steamboat

    Steamboat The Steamboat had first began in America in 1787 by the person named John Fitch. He had made the first successful going on a forty-five-foot boat on the Delaware River August 22, 1787. The Steamboat provided a faster way across waters that either transported goods or people. Was a more productive way to travel then on the boat and provided a better way to go to places.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The Cotton GinYoutube VideoIt provided a faster and more productive way to produce cotton. Rather then people picking them by hand they would throw it in the machine and it would pull the cotton out itself. It just took a constant rotation of a part of the machine to make it function. The cotton gin had caused more increased labor work using more slaves for the labor needed. Eli Whitney created it in the year 1793. Cotton was one of the major worldwide trade product that produced alot of money
  • George Stephenson Begins Rail Service Between Liverpool and London

    George Stephenson Begins Rail Service Between Liverpool and London
    The First Locomotive Steam Engine George Stephenson began construction on his first lococmotive at age 20 for Wylam coal mine. After ten months of hard work, Stephenson's first locomotive was completed and tested on July 25, 1814. This locomotive enabled the coal to travel by locomotive as opposed to by horsedrawn wagons.
  • Telegraph

    Youtube Video TelegraphSamuel Morse was the creator of the telegraph. He first invented the Recording Telegraph on September 2, 1837 at New York University with the support of one of his colleagues named Leonard Gale. The telegraph provided communication from long distances. It had also sent messages from short distances, the telegraph created the Morse Code.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Invents the Telehone

    Alexander Graham Bell Invents the Telehone
    The Telephone-
    Bell's success with the telephone was a result of his attempts to improve his telegraph.His invention started off as the "Harmonic Telegraph," which sent sounds along the wire simoltaneously in different pitches. On March 10, 1876, Bell wrote an entry in his notebook describing his successful experiment with his telephone. On this same day, Bell transmitted a famous message with his voice through his new invention to his assistant.
  • Diesel Engine

    Diesel Engine
    Diesel Engine Rodolf Diesel invented many neat engines. He wrote a paper about an engine that later he patented, in 1894, at the diesel engine. While working on the engine it exploded and Rodolf almost died. In 1897 Rodolf Diesel operated his first successful engine.