A Not-So Yellow Submarine
The first submarine made in America was crafted by David Bushnell for the Revolution War. The one-man wooden vessile was named the Turtle. The Turtle was to be used to submerge underwater and sneak up on the British Naval ships in New York Harbor, planting a bomb under the hull of the ship. Although it failed it's misson, the Turtle was a first step into using submarine warfare for wars to come. -
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney was the man to invent the first cotton gin. The problem was that it took hours to get the cotton seeds out of the cotton plant once picked. The cotton gin machine picked out the seeds using a cylder shape with teeth on it that ran through the cotton, picking out the seeds.The machine could make up to 50 pounds of cotton a day, by just turning a crank.The cotton gin transformed the South by increasing the demand for cotton up North and in England, forcing more cotton to be produced. -
Morse's Telegraph
Although the telegraph was invented orginally in Europe, Samuel Morse was the first American to develop the telegraph here in America. Before the telegraph, messages were delivered by foot or horse, that took days to recieve. Now, the telegraph allowed messages to be sent faster over a wire. The system worked by using a system of dots, spaces, and dashes, to speel out letters which formed words.This caused from messages to be sent in days, to messages being sent in seconds. -
The Typewriter
The typewriter was invented by Christopher Sholes. With the push of a button, the typewriter would press onto a piece of paper the letter on that button. The letters are arranged using the QWERTY system so the keys would not jam. The typewriter allowed words to be writen out faster and more efficient. It was made to keep up with factory demands and communication The typewriter helped writers easy their writing, took away from the problems with ink pens, and was a step into making the computer.