
The increasing demand of energy

  • Period: to

    increase of the demand of the energy

  • james watt invents an improved steam engine

    james watt invents  an improved steam engine
    the improved steam engine was created in 1769 by james watt. never knew the specific day of his creation. james watt was a Scot who managed to improve the steam engine and with the help of matthew boulton I managed to patent the idea and remove from that moment james wall I try to create more novelties but nothing I managed to be as strong as the iimpacto that piped the steam engine
  • the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway

    the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway
    El ferrocarril de Liverpool y Mánchester (en inglés: Liverpool y Manchester Railway,1 2 3 L&MR por su solo) fue una línea de ferrocarril inaugurada el 15 de septiembre de 1830 entre las ciudades de Liverpool y Mánchester, en Inglaterra. Fue el primer ferrocarril basado exclusivamente en la energía del vapor, sin que se liberana en momento el tráfico tirado por caballos;
  • the first oil well in Titusville

    the first oil well in Titusville
    On August 28, 1859, George Bissell and Edwin Drake successfully and for the first time obtained a specifically oil-tank well through a drilling rig at Oil Creek, near Titusville, (Pennsylvania).
  • siemens built the first electric train

    siemens built the first electric train
    Werner von Siemens built the first electric railway in 1879. It reaches a speed of 7 kilometers per hour. 6. The first underground electric railway is built in London.
  • Edison lights up a street in Menlo Park

    Edison lights up a street in Menlo Park
    on New year`s Eve 1879 the inventor Thomas Alva Edison demostrated the creation of incandescent bulbs, iluminating an entire street called Menlo Park, from that demostration Edison managed to create the incandescent bulbs
  • one of the first hydroelectric power plant inaugurated in Niagara Falls

    one of the first hydroelectric power plant inaugurated in Niagara Falls
    The Niagara Hydroelectric Company was an American company based in Niagara Falls in New York. was the first company to generate hydroelectric energy
  • first electric lighting in salamanca

    first electric lighting in salamanca
    The newspaper El Progreso of September 10, 1884, publishes a note on the first electrical lighting test in Salamanca: "On Monday at eight o'clock at night, electric lighting was first displayed in the Alamedilla. From that moment salamanca recessed to install public lighting
  • Karl Benz designed the world first automovil

    Karl Benz designed the world first automovil
    On 29 January 1886 Karl Benz applied to the German government for a three-wheeled vehicle, which is considered the first motor vehicle in history. The "Motorwagen" is on display today at the German Museum (Deutsches Museum) in Munich.
  • world`s firts nuclear power station built in obnisnk

    world`s firts nuclear power station built in obnisnk
    The first nuclear power plant in history was located in Obninsk, near Moscow, Russia. It began operations on June 26, 1954 and ended its activity in 2002.
  • Spain´s first nuclear power plant

    Spain´s first nuclear power plant
    The José Cabrera nuclear power plant (better known as Zorita) was the first nuclear power plant built in Spain, located next to the Tagus River in the municipality of Almonacid de Zorita, in the province of Guadalajara, and belonged to the company Unión Eléctrica Madrileña (later Unión Fenosa and then Naturgy). its creator
  • chernobyl nuclear reactor accident

    chernobyl nuclear reactor accident
    On April 26, 1986, one of four reactors at a Ukrainian power plant began to burn, causing what would end up being the worst nuclear disaster in history, only even seven years ago by the Fukushima