The IB Future Projections

  • 1968: IB is Founded

    IB is founded in 7 schools with 7 programmes.
  • 1994: Launching of MYP

    The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is launched and the IB is now in 481 schools with 488 programmes.
  • 2012: Launching of The Career-related programme

    The Career-related programme is launched, offering a new framework of skills based learning for students aged 16-19. The IB is now present in 3530 schools with 4425 programmes.
  • 2022: Collaboration

    Education has surpassed geographical boundaries through online teaching and learning. This sets the stage for increased collaborative teaching and learning in the IB community where both students and teachers of one school or country can effortlessly reach out to their peers located in other areas of the world.
  • 2026: Assessment shift

    Due to increased online teaching and learning, assessments types may need to be re-evaluated in order to promote reliability and validity of results. Assessments may need to be more evidence-based, using measures that allow learning plans to be drawn up and personalized.
  • 2030: Technological Innovations

    With advances in the technological and digital era, the doors have been opened to integrate novel technologies into the learning experience. An augmented reality can be used to supplement the traditional 'marker and board' mode of teaching.