
The Hunger Games

  • The Reaping

    The Reaping
    All of the children gather up for the reaping. Only children 12-18 can participate. The girl tribute for district 12 is chosen. It is Prim everdeen but, her sister Katniss volunteers herself for The Hunger Games to save Prim. The boy tribute for district 12 is Peeta
  • Period: to

    The Hunger Games

  • Train ride to the Capitol

    Train ride to the Capitol
    During the train ride to the Capitol, the two tributes from District 12 get to know their mentor a little bit more. Haymitch Abernathy advises them to follow whatever their stylist says.
  • Day 1

    All 24 tributes all brought to the arena. 60 seconds on the platform; the platform will explode if they dont get off. Supplies are found in the cornucopia, but there is a risk you might die. So Katniss is only able to get a small backpack. Katniss runs into the forest and finds shelter on top of a tree. At the end of the day the Careers catch up with her and Katniss finds out that Peeta has joined them. Only 12 triutes remain.
  • Day 2

    Katniss searches for water. After finding a water source, she sets up traps to kill food. Katniss goes back up the tree to sleep again.
  • Day 3

    Day 3
    Katniss is up a tree and the Careers catch up with her. She finds Rue up in the trees and she points out the nest. Tracker Jackers fall on Careers.
  • Day 4

    After being stung by tracker jackers, Katniss awakes to find Rue who has already fixed her stings with chewed up leaves. Katniss and Rue team up to try to attack the careers headquarters.
  • Day 5

    Rue and Katniss come up with a whistle for the mockingjays to know if they are alive after the attack. Katniss goes to the headquarters to find foxface already stealing from the careers. She shoots an arrow at the bag of apples witch leads to one of the mines exploding. Coming back to the forest, Katniss hears Rue scream and get caught by a net trap. A tribute kills Rue with a spear and Katniss kills the attacker. Katniss surronds Rue's dead body with flowers and salutes. District 11 appreciates