Aug 26, 1346
The Battle of Crecy
The battle was fought at the village of Crecy in northern France. Which the France were defeated by the English. Edward III of england was victorious at Crecy. -
Sep 19, 1356
The battle of Poitiers
Edward the Black Prince defeated the superior Franch army near poitiers. That was the capital of French region of Poitou-Charentes. The French king John II was captured during battle and taken to England. In 1360 he was released but he had to pay a big amount of ransom. -
Oct 25, 1415
The Battle of Agincourt
The battle of Agincourt was the last three best English victiories in the Hundred Year's War againt the French. The english were commanded by King Henry V. They were able to defeat the superior Fench army and conquer some parts of France. This battle would be last one for the English to defeat the French. Since now this War would enter a new phrase.... -
May 8, 1429
Lifting of the Siege of Orleans
A 17 year old peaseant girl from french named claimed divine guidance lifted the Siege of Orleans. Which this impacted the Hundred Years' War. During that time Charles VII travel to Rhemis because we was going to be crowned as the King of France. This was important since it increased the morale of the French Soliders.IN the year 1430 Joan of Arc was kidnapped by the Burgundians who later she was given to the English. Joan of Arc was later burned at the stake. -
Jul 17, 1453
The Battle of Castillon
This battle ended the Hundred Years' War which the French were victorious. England and France never signed a peace treaty, but the English still accomplished several major victories they still lost many possession in France except for Calais. The Calais was recaptured by France in 1558. The battle made history because it was the first battle in Europe that had cannons.