In the prenatal stage you will become an embrial. -
The embryo
In the embryo there two stages. -
The Zygote and the Blastocoyst
In these stages you are developing your fingers your feet and etc... -
The fetus
In the fetus you are fully develope now you just waitig until the mother goes into labor -
During the newborn stage they are not familiar to nothing, -
Infant Stage
During the infant stage they are probably familar and know the mother and father and sibling if they have any. Mostly the people they see every day. -
During the toddler stage they are just starting to feed theirselves and walk. They arent really playing with other kids there are more to their self -
Play Age
This stage 4-5 will be the last year they will not be in school. They are starting to play with other people but not people they know. -
Elementarty School age
During this stage they are just getting use to a different setting. They are making friends with people they dont know and they are learning to go on with the parent -
Predolecens (Pre teen)
During this stage, you are giving more responsiblilty, whether it be babysitting your brother, or staying home by yourself at night -
Adolesce (young adult hood)
During this stage you are going to learn how to drive and peer pressure will have a great influence on your life. you will alse be getting ready to go off to college -
Early Adult hood
During this stage your are in college and probably be partying alot. -
Middle Adult hood
Your children are in college and you are feeling very satisfied your life -
Advance adult hood
You are now grandparent, your watching your grandchildren grow up -
You are now deat -
Early Adulthood
You are also thinking very hard about what you gonna do for the next step of your life -
Early Adulthood
Later on your early adult hood you will get a sucessful job, get married, and have children.