The first outbreak
A man working in a German monkey warehouse got infected with the Ebola virus. It was the first major outbreak of the virus, 31 were infected only 7 died. -
The first emergence of Ebola Sudan happens in Sudan. A man named Mr. Yu g, a store worker, went into shock and started to bleed from orifices on his body. This resulted in an outbreak in the town of Maridi; many were killed however the virus later disappears. -
Charles Monet
Charles Monet takes a woman overnight on a trip to Mount Elgon where they visit kitum cave. -
The beginning
Monet becomes ill and dies, Dr. Musoke who treated Monet catches the virus. -
Nancy Jaax
Nancy Jaax cuts her hand after trying to open a can of dog food with a knife. -
A close call
Nancy gets infected monkeys blood inside of inner space suit.However, it was was a close call and she didn't get infected. -
The monkey house
Monkeys from other rooms in the monkey house start dying. This new Ebola strain seems to be airborne. -
A tragic death
A boy named Peter Cardinal dies from an unknown virus after visiting Kitum Cave. -
Reston Monkey House
Monkeys start dying in the Reston monkey house; however, nothing is done because this was considered to be normal. -
More deaths
After an abnormal amount of monkey deaths over the past few weeks, Dan decides to dissect the monkeys. He is scared at what he finds, he contacts USARID the next day and sends him a sample of monkey 053. -
The inhaling of the flask
Thomas Geisbert and Jahrling are researching the mystery virus, both of them end up sniffing the flask. -
The results came back; it showed that the virus was a close neighbor to Ebola. After learning what the virus might be, he freaked because they both had sniffled the flask. The CDC and Army ally and decide to go to the monkey house located in Reston. -
Mission start
A few scientists entered the monkey house and killed the remaining animals in the room. -
A strange occurrence
More monkeys were killed in the area of the virus, however, when they were cut open, nothing seemed to be wrong with them -
One of the employees who worked at the Monkey House suddenly becomes sick. -
Who let the monkey out?
While Thomas Ksiazek is researching a faster Ebola test, a monkey escapes and runs around the building. -
Missions end
The remaining monkeys were killed and bagged, the building was ready for decon. -
The monkey house was filled with a bleaching gas that killed the remaining bacteria. They also found out that the sick employees were not infected with the virus. -
Even more deaths
The monkeys in the monkey house began to get sick again, however, this time, the army didn't have to come and decon because all the animals that were sick died. -
Surreal happening
The author visits Kitum cave and declares that nature and humans are both equally dangerous and that Ebola will be back.