the Hot Air Balloon

  • Sep 29, 1400

    The first Hot air Balloon

    The first Hot air Balloon
    The first hot air ballon was dreamed up by Rodger Bacon in september of 1783. Rodger first had the idea when held a pan of chatcoal under a cloth bag wil a hole in it,and the bag started to inflate.
  • Period: to

    the use's of hydrogen in hot air ballons

    1767 Dr. Black Of Edinburgh suggested the use of hydrogen with a thin bladder bag.
  • useing hydrogen in hot air balloon

    in 1767 Dr Black suggested that they should use hydrogen in hot air balloons insted of liquid fire.
  • joseph and stephen montgolfier

    joseph and stephen montgolfier
    These two brothers gave the idea that the hot air balloons can lift heavy loads.
  • charles make history

    Charles set's up a large oiled silk ballon and takes off with nothing in it.
  • the first things to ever fly

    J. montgolfier sent the first duck rooster and sheep up in a balloon and all the animals came down safely.
  • the first ascent in england

    Tytler made the first flight in england useing a cloth bag covered in varnish.
  • 10,000

    Charles and Roberts took up a hydrogen balloon for over 10,000 cubic feet
  • from NY to St. Louis

    John Wise covered a distence of 809 miles from St. Louis to New York.