South African inequality

  • Period: to

    South Africa

    How South Africa influenced Mama Africa's (Miriam Makeba) life.
  • Apartheid system instated

    A racial segreagation system set up after the 1948 general election. Recognized four different races: "blacks", "whites", "coloured" and "indians". The word Apartheid means "the state of being apart."
  • Sharpville Massacre

    More than 50 black people were killed when police opened fire on a "peaceful" protest in the South African township of Sharpeville.
  • Aftermath of the Massacre

    In the aftermath of the Massacre, 18,000 people were arrested and the country declared a state of emergency. There were uprisings accross the country, many leaders of the ant-apartheid government were exiled.
  • Makeba's Exile

    Miriam Makeba was exiled because the politics of her music. Her music conveyed anti-Apartheid messages.
  • Nelson Mandela sent to prison

    Nelson Mandela was arrested for leading a sabatoge capaign to overthrow the Apartheid government.
  • United Nations response to the Apartheid government

    The United Nations discussed and put sanctions in place on South Africa for violating their obligations to the US charter.
  • Orginization of African Unity takes action against South Africa

    The orginizationimposed santions against the Apartheid government and demanded its dismantlement.
  • Western Countries reject the Apartheid government

  • B. J. Vorster elected new Prime Minister

    New Prime Minister will full support of the Apartheid system.
  • 1st Conference against racism

    A United Nations conference held in Geneva, Switzerland. The main focus of this conferance were the pro-racism policies in South Africa.
  • Catholic Church takes an anti-racism stance

    Pope John Paul II, while visiting the Nethlands stated "No system of apartheid or separate development will ever be acceptable as a model for the relations between peoples or races."