The Holocaust

  • Hitler rises to power

    Hitler rises to power
    When Adolf Hitler rose to power in January 1933, the Nazi party immediately began excluding Jewish people from as many aspects of regular life in Germany as possible.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    The Nazis pass the Nuremburg Laws, this was a set of laws that completely set Jewish people apart from everybody else in Germany and deprived them of their basic rights.
  • Kristallnacht

    "The night of broken glass". Nazi leaders organized the destruction of many Jewish-owned businesses, synagogues, and homes. This event got it's name from the glass that littered the streets when the violence was finished.
  • Ghettos

    When WWII started in September 1939, Nazi priorities shifted from complete expulsion of Jewish people from Germany to moving the Jewish German population to concentrated areas. As a temporary measure, ghettos were established in the Generalgouvernement.
  • Mobile killing units

    Mobile killing units
    When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, SS leaders, the police, and leaders of the German armed forces made pre-invasion agreements. Acting as mobile killing units, troops conducted shooting operations with the goal of annihilating entire Jewish communities.