
The Holocaust: Alfred Delp

  • Alfred Delp is Born

    Alfred Delp is Born
    On September 15,1907, Alfred Delp was Born to his Catholic mother and Protestant father. Alfred was baptized as a catholic, but he grew up a Lutheran and then left the Lutheran faith to become a Catholic and gave sacraments of First Eucharist. But then eventually became a Jesuit.
  • Alfred Delp joins the Jesuits

    Alfred Delp joins the Jesuits
    In 1926 Alfred joins the Jesuits brothers. He works on his studies and other work for the next ten years but it becomes difficult when he runs into trouble with the Nazi regime
  • Nazi Concentration camp opens

    Nazi Concentration camp opens
    The Nazi Concentration camps open in March 1933 and was called the Dachau Concentration camp.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler is appointed the Chancellor by Hindenburg and he has a simple ceremony and he also assigns the Reichssicherheitsdienst as his personal bodyguards.
  • Jews lost citizensship

    Jews lost citizensship
    In 1935, Jews lost all rights of a citizen and they had to wear special uniforms that called them out for being a jew.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939 Germany, the German-Soviet Pact of August 1939 which ultimatey meant that Poland was to Divide into two parts, allowed germany to move in and attack Poland. The Polish army was defeated within the first couple weeks of the invasion.
  • 1st War Declare on Germany

    1st War Declare on Germany
    On September 1, 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany. They delclared war after Germany invaded Poland. That was their Last straw before they delcare war.
  • Alfred Delp Writes Prison Letters

    Alfred Delp Writes Prison Letters
    Alfred Wrote letters in Prison that later became famous and written into a book. He wrote them and someone inside the prison got them into the outside world and this was a very risky job.
  • Alfred Delp was assigned the rector of St. George

    Alfred Delp was assigned the rector of St. George
    He was assigned to be the Rector of St. George and he preached there. He used his ranking in the church to secretly help jews that were escaping to Switzerland.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Just before 8 am on December 7, 1941, The japanese had a surprise attack on an naval base near Honolulu. They managed to destroy over 300 planes, 20 navy vessels, and 8 battleships. They killed over 2.400 people in the cross hairs of the bombings.
  • Nazis Start using Gas Chambers and Mass Shootings

    Nazis Start using Gas Chambers and Mass Shootings
    The Nazis begin using mass shootings. They started with mass shootings and then they moved to gas chambers because the mass shooting were giving the soldiers nightmares and mortifying scenes.
  • Alfred Delp Stands Up For Handicap Citizens

    Alfred Delp Stands Up For Handicap Citizens
    The Nazis came out with a propaganda film that was explaining and promoting the "mercy killing" of handicap people. They called this Euthanasia. Alfred denounced the film and talked about the importance of handicap people and their significance in the society
  • Alfred Delp gets arrested

    Alfred Delp gets arrested
    Alfred Delps and the Jesuit brothers plan failed to assassinate Hitler .The government tried to round up everyone associated with the bombing and they arrested 7,000 and they executed 4,980.
  • Alfred Delp joins the Kreisau Circle

    Alfred Delp joins the Kreisau Circle
    Alfred Delp joined the Kreisau Circle and this group was in charge of making a new social order. Delp and some of the other members of this social group were arrested after they attempted to assassinate Hitler in 1944. They went through very rough treatment and torture and after that Alfred Delp went on trial. It was an unfair trial because the judge was a Nazi supremacist. The judge sentenced him to death.
  • The attempt to assassinate Hitler

    The attempt to assassinate Hitler
    Alfred and his Jesuit brothers plotted to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944. They plottyed to place a bomb in a suit case and lay it under a table that Hitler and about 20 other officers were having a meeting. But one of the officers standing beside Hitler, Colonel Heinz Brandt, moved the suit case behind the leg of the conference table and it deflected the impact from Hitler.
  • Alfreds Trial

    Alfreds Trial
    Alfred's trial was scheduled for January 11, 1945. He was tried with other members of his Jesuit Family, Helmuth James Graf von Moltke and Eugen Gerstenmaier. They were sentenced to death before Alfred was. Before his trial he wrote many letters in prison and secretly had a mass in prison.
  • Alfred Delps Death

    Alfred Delps Death
    Alfred Delp died on February 2, 1945 by being hung after refusing to give up his fellow Jesuit brothers. He was offered a free life and denied it to keep his brothers safe from the Nazis.
  • Hitler Dies

    Hitler Dies
    Hitler Died on April 30, 1945. The verdict of his death was suicide. He probably commited suicide because he would rather die then be caught arrested and killed in front of millions.
  • The results of the Nazis

    The results of the Nazis
    After 1945, when the destruction was done, allies went into the camps and found evidence of mass shootings and saw many survivors of Jew and non-Jews. They saw piles of bones , corpses and other evidence associated with mass shootings and gas chamber attacks.
  • Nazis start rounding up the Jews

    Nazis start rounding up the Jews
    They didnt start rounding up the Jews until 1939 but people start getting out of the country starting in 1933.