
The holocaust

  • Germany Gets blamed for WW1

    Germany Gets blamed for WW1
    Germany gets put in debt due to America blaming the ENTIRE war on them and them alone, making them pay for everything.
  • Hitler comes to Power

    Hitler comes to Power
    During this time period, Hitler, with his charismatic speaking abilities, managed to convince most of Germany to follow him. Not so long after, he attempted to overthrow the current ruler, and failed. A year later upon his release from jail, his followers managed to convince the leader to appoint him as chancellor, and he soon grew from there, blaming all of Germany's problems on the Jews, and wanting to make Germany a pure "race"
  • WW2 Begins

    WW2 Begins
    Millions of Jews were brought under German control at the beginning of this war, sparking the "Final Solution" In WW2, Germany fought against the allied powers in order to Kill off the rest of the Jews, but he failed, and some Jews made it out.
  • First official Ghettos are created

    First official Ghettos are created
    in 1939, Hitler eventually makes Ghettos, small towns where Jews could live until their inevitable slaughter. These ghettos housed many Jews, some being too crowded to even move fluently. This made way for a lot of disease to run rampant.
  • The "Final solution begins"

    The "Final solution begins"
    The Mass extermination of almost all Jews begins. This was Hitler's, well, Final solution to getting rid of all the Jews. He gassed them by the Thousands, taking them out like flies without remorse. He even had some Jews do the gassing in order to mentally torture them.
  • Nazi Germany controls most of the Area

    Nazi Germany controls most of the Area
    Nazi Germany takes possession of most of Europe and parts of North Africa, allowing them to capture TONS of Jews in a short timespan. This Assists in the final solution, as it gave them way more Jews to process, allowing them to speed through their elimination faster.
  • Warsaw ghetto uprising

    Warsaw ghetto uprising
    Many Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto started an uprising, fighting against the Nazi's with all they had. This uprising failed, but not before it sparked hope amongst the rest who heard about this. After this, Jews got bolder and started forming escape plans and attack plans, hoping they would work.
  • The holocaust ends

    The holocaust ends
    The allied powers defeat Germany in WW2, ending the holocaust. Surprisingly, Hitler defeated himself though. Soon before the end of the war, Hitler realized there was no way his plans were going to work out, so he swallowed a cyanide capsule, and shot himself in the head. Soon after, Germany surrendered, having no more leader, and the remaining Jews were set free.