• Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    In the 1933 election, Hitler takes second place at 38% of the vote, which at the time was a pretty large amount due to the split parties, Hindenburg won the election and appointed Hitler chancellor to appease that 38%
  • The enabling act

    The enabling act
    Hindenburg dies and Hitler takes his position, along with the capital building being burned down, Hitler uses these to convince people to vote to let him pass acts that would enable him to full power
  • Discriminations against Jews

    Discriminations against Jews
    Hitler tries to rally up the country against the Jewish people, blaming them for the loss of WWI and many other issues the country had, he hangs up signs to tell people not to buy from their stores and such.
  • Concentration camps are made

    Concentration camps are made
    Concentration camps were made to put arrested Jews, homosexuals, prisoners of war, or anyone else the Germans thought lower of and many people died inside of them
  • Nazi Race laws

    Nazi Race laws
    In 1935, laws are passed that inhibit people who are Jewish or not of German blood to becoming citizens, rights become a lot more limited to those people and they are discriminated against
  • Night of broken glass

    Night of broken glass
    A German was shot while harassing the parents of a Jewish kid, the kid kills the man and soon the Kristallnacht happened where synagogues and businesses were burned and Jews were killed and arrested
  • The final solution

    The final solution
    In 1939 the final solution starts, Germany starts to get aggressive and declares war, those in concentration camps start to die and anyone that wasn't in one already was put into them
  • The end of WWII

    The end of WWII
    in 1945 the war ends in a victory for the allies, Hitler commits suicide, the Nuremberg trials are held, whoever remained after the concentration camps are saved