The Holocaust

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    Germany pulls out of league of nations

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    Hitler builds German military

    Hitler starts undoing the treaty of Versailles
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    night of broken glass

    Nazi troops destroy Jewish owned businesses, homes and synagogues. 100 where killed 100s more where injured. 30,000 where taken prisoner
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    the plight of st Louis

    a German ocean liner called the spirit of saint Louis was carrying immigrants to america but the ship did not dock to let anyone into america and went back to germany.
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    The final solution

    Hitler starts a massive genocide of Jews, political opponents, communists, socialist, liberals, gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses. they where put into concentration camps where they were forced to work or killed.
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    Death camps

    Death camps would exterminate as much as 12,000 people a day with gas chambers or execution
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    The final stage

    killing by overwork, starvation, beatings, bullets, and gas chambers