• Chancellor

    Hitler was appointed Chancellor and he made people think he was their savior. He was formally appointed chancellor of Germany by Hindenburg.
  • Basic Rights

    Basic Rights
    After Hitler was appointed their quickly became no guaranteed rights for German citizens. This resulted in the rise of Nazi power and the construction of concentration camps.
  • St. Louis sets sail

    St. Louis sets sail
    The rise of Nazi power had caused many Jews to flee on ship. They had to get visas in order to leave so not everybody made it out, over 900 Jewish passengers were on board trying to make their way out.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    Polish forces broke through into Germany causing both Jewish and non Jewish citizens to run to German forces hoping they could halt this disaster. After a while with heavy defenses the Polish forces ended up surrendering and war was declared.
  • Massacre in Fort IX

    Massacre in Fort IX
    German SS and police units murder about 10,000 Jewish residents in a ghetto located in Kovno located on the edge of the city.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan launches a surprise attack on Pearl harbor, the attack was by aircraft and they dropped bombs covering the land and bombing the ships. A lot of people died and this caused the united states to declare war because this was their last straw.
  • Deportation of Dutch Jews

    Deportation of Dutch Jews
    Dutch Jews were forced and taken to concentration and killing camps in Germany. More than 100,000 people were brought in about 100 trains and treated ruthlessly separating them from their lives.
  • Liberation of Dachau

    Liberation of Dachau
    The U.S army liberated and saved more than 32,000 Jewish prisoners at Dachau. The Germans found this out and forced 7,000 prisoners to go on a death march and starved some others. They shot whoever could not make it or if they were sick and later on American forces liberated the rest of the prisoners that were sent on a death march.