Crop holocaust hitler 1933 e1489093789863

The Holocaust

  • Law Concerning Admission to the Legal Profession

    Law Concerning Admission to the Legal Profession
    This law affected judges and prosecutors, and forbade any Jews from taking the bar exam. The bar exam was mandatory to become a lawyer. Therefore, there were no remaining Jews in the general German court system.
  • Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
    This was the first major law against the Jews. It was put in place on April 7th, 1933. It was created to exclude Jews and other non-Aryans from organizations, professions, and other aspects of "public life."
  • The Law Against Over-Crowding of German Schools

    The Law Against Over-Crowding of German Schools
    The name is kind of misleading, but this was a law that stopped different teachings. It banned the teaching of democracy, equality, and racial pride. It also limited the number of Jewish students in schools to 1.5%.
  • Citizenship and Denaturalization Law

    Citizenship and Denaturalization Law
    This was yet another citizenship law. This law made it possible for the Reich government to take away (instantaneously) citizenship from a Jewish person. All they had to do was deem that person "undesirable."
  • Military Participation

    Military Participation
    This law was put in place on May 21st. It outlawed Jewish military officers. This law was established simply to keep Jews to as little power as possible.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    These laws were to keep Jews from Reich citizenship. They also prohibited Jews from having any kind of relationship with a German or Aryan. Most political rights were revoked along with everything else.
  • Berlin Olympic Games

    Berlin Olympic Games
    To avoid criticism of Germany from other countries, Hitler eased up on the anti-Semitic campaigns. However, immediately after the Olympics were held, he continued his plan. Without the Olympics in Berlin, maybe the holocaust would've actually gotten worse in some way.
  • Education Restriction

    Education Restriction
    This law was put in place on April 9th. It was created by the mayor of Berlin. The details were that no Jewish students were to attend class until further notice.
  • The Alteration of Family and Personal Names

    The Alteration of Family and Personal Names
    This law made it so that Jewish people could not change their names. It was put in place on January 5th. This law was created so that the government had more control over the Jewish people as a whole.
  • Kristallnacht

    Jews could not attend public schools or universities. They also were banned from "Aryan Zones." Later, Jewish physicians could not treat Aryan patients.