The holocasut

The Holocaust

  • Taking Over

    Taking Over
    Hitler was appointed chancellor. When he did, he banished all Other parties so they either had to join him or die.
  • Nazi Boycott

    Nazi Boycott
    The Nazi Boycotted Jewish shops. Some had the windows broken out and some were burned to the grown
  • Night of broken glass

    Night of broken glass
    The nazi Vandalized and burned Jewish businesses and killed nearly 30,000 men. This was because a jew killed a Kristallnacht for being aggressive with his family
  • Helping hand?

    Helping hand?
    In June, the Einsatzgruppen and Waffen ss moved behind German lines to murder Jews, Roma, and the Soviet state and communist party officials in a mass shooting.
  • Ghettos

    The Nazis were throwing Jews and everything that he didn't like in Ghettos, which were better than concentration camps but were still bad. At the time Hitler did not have all the land he was "claimed' to have so they put them in small Communities, sometimes under watch, so they know where they would be at all times
  • Deportation

    The nazi and its allies deported nearly three million Jews. Most were sent to killing camps also known as extermination camps.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    When Hitler was getting pushed back by the Soviets, they had had to relocate the people in the camps. But they couldn't put them on trains so they made them walk, also known as death marches. Many people died on these long marches.
  • End of the war

    End of the war
    By the end of the war the Nazis and their allies killed nearly 2 out of ever 3 jews