The Start Of It All
On April 1 1933, the boycotts put on Jewish businesses was meant to intimidate the Jews but also stop the German public from shopping at these places. That was the beginning of the Nazi's trying to drive the Jews away. The Nazis said that it was a reasonable response to the "world-wide Judaism" criticism of Germany. The newspapers in the U.S started talking about the boycotts, which lead to criticism towards Nazi Germany. -
The Law For The Restoration Of The Professional Civil Service
This law kept Jews and other political opponents of the Nazis form all civil services. the law accepted those who worked in the civil service position since August 1, 1914. -
Law Limits Jews In Public Schools
The next law that was passed was the law against the overcrowding of schools. This limited the number of students attending public schools, specifically Jewish children. Public school were told to teach the Nazi ideas to German youth. the children were taught to love Hitler, to listen and obey state authority, militarism, racism, and antisemitism. Most Jews in Germany turned to Private schools. -
The Burning Of The Books
University students burn up to 25,000 "UN- German" books in Berlin Opera Square, some 40,000 people gathered at this event. the students sought to purify German literature of "foreign" especially Jewish and, other immortal influences. One of these many authors who's books were burned was Helen Keller, an American who believed in social justice, encouraging the disabled, improved conditions for industrial workers, and womens right to vote. -
Prevention Of Offspring With Hereditary Diseases
The law of sterilization,was used to keep people with disabilities from having children. The Nazis thought that if someone with a disability had a child the disability would affect the child causing them to have it too. this was forced on anyone with a physical or mental disease other times for other reasons and most of the times the parents of the children would not be notified until after the procedure. -
the editors law
this law made sure that Jews were not allowed to work in journalism. the German Propaganda Ministry took over the Reich Press Chamber. Under this new law, they kept registries of race or "racially pure" editors and journalist. it excluded Jews and those married to Jews from the profession. -
Ban on Jehovah’s Witness Organizations
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ refusal to swear allegiance to the state. They faced a Nazi campaign of persecution. Hundreds of Jehovah’s Witnesses were arrested and incarcerated in prisons and concentration camps. 400 Jehovah’s Witnesses were imprisoned at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. -
Olympic Games Open In Berlin
The Olympic Opened in Berlin it was attended by athletes and viewers from around the world. The olympics were good propaganda for the nazi government, it portrayed Germany as a respected member of the international community. Germany removed anti-jewish signs from public display and controlled anti-jewish activities. They also included one part-Jew named Helene Mayer, the fencer, on their olympic team. German even lifted anti-homosexuality laws for foreign visitors for most of the game -
Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp Established
This was know as Auschwitz II, the first prisoners at this camp were 945 soviet prisoners. Auschwitz II was designed for imprisoning large numbers of soviet prisoners of war. It continued to be used as a concentration camp, it was a death camp/ killing center from March 1942 until November 1944. -
Demolition of Auschwitz Gas Chambers and Crematoria
as the Soviet forces approached, the SS chief Heinrich Himmler, orders for the destruction of Auschwitz Gas chambers and Crematoria. this was an idea to try and hide the truth of the crimes they were committing. Prisoners were ordered to dismantle and blow up the structures.