Tolkien fights in World War 1
Tolkien fought in World War 1. This war was one of the most deadly wars in the world so far. He would have learned many things and had manny journeys which he would later use in his books. -
First solo England to Australia Flight
The first solo flight from England to Australia took place. This journey taken by the man by himself would have offered inspiration to write the book. In the book the main chracter Bilbo goes on a journey that he thought he would never go on, both people, Bilbo and the pilot went out of their comfort zones. -
Oxford english Dictionary Finished
The Oxford English Dictionary is a dictionary published by Oxford University in 1928. It took 70 years to make the dictionary. The Author J.R.R Tolkien attended Oxford at this time period. This vast amount of words could have gave him the inspiration to start writing on his own. He attened the school when the dictionary would have been worked on. -
First helicopter flight over english channel
The first helicopter fligh over the English Channel occured. The English Channel seperates England from France. The person was the first one to do it because he stepped out of his comfort zone. In the Book Bilbo steps out of his comfort zone just like the helicopter pilot. Tolkien could have been inspired by this. -
Robert Sherriff's "Journey's End" premieres in London
The primere of the play called Journeys End primered in London. This play was about a mans journey and experiences in World War 1. The book The Hobbit is about a mans journey also. Tolkien would have been inspired to write his own story after seeing this play at a thetre in London. -
World Stock Market Crash
The world stock market crashed. The world economy was devistated. People lost lots of money and their jobs leaving most unemployed. Tolkien might have wrote the book as a wasy to escape the tough times in England after the market crashed. The book would let him live as the chracters for a short time and he wouldn't have to be a part of the tough times around him. -
Mohandas Gandhi begins 200m (300km) march protesting British salt tax
Ghandhi went on a long march through many differwent places to protest British salt tax. If tolkien heard of this mans journey he could have been inspiered to write story about a mans joruney also. In "The Hobbit" Bilbo goes on a long trip with a group also in search of somthing but its not freedom. -
British sign for independence of Iraq
The British ndcide to let the country of Iraq free. This would have been used in the book when Bilbo lets the real him free and wants to go on an adventure. The british decide to let Iraq go and Bilbo decides to let himself be free. -
Great Britain & France sign peace treaty
The countries of Grerat Britan and France sign a peace treaty. This would have made happier times fo the people of both the countries. Atreaty ends a time of conflict, it would have made tolkien happier to be in a time of peace. The happier times would gave his mind more inspiration because he no longer had to worry about conflict. -
Apr 1st - Nazi Germany begins persecution of Jews by boycotting Jewish businesses
This is the start of a very dark time in history and many people knew it. hitler is know for his very harsh treatment of jews and other groups he would kill them or make them work at concentration camps. Writing this book would have been something happy for him in the time of darkness and danger that would soon be brought to his country.