
The history of video games

  • it started with the magnavox odyssey

    it started with the magnavox odyssey
  • more advances the 1970's include the Magnavox odyssey 2

    more advances the 1970's include the Magnavox odyssey 2
  • another advance was the Magnavox odyssey 3000

    another advance was the Magnavox odyssey 3000
  • a major advance in gaming systems in the 1970's was the Magnavox odyssey 200

  • the 1970's also had another advancement in gaming systems, this was the Mattel intellivisoin

    the 1970's also had another advancement in gaming systems, this was the Mattel intellivisoin
  • the most advanced and reliable gaming system today is the Xbox

    the most advanced and reliable gaming system today is the Xbox