İstanbul University was opened
Period: to
The History of Turkish Education
The first teacher school was opened
It was opened for the needs of new middle schools. -
The general Education Regulation was announced that primary education would be compulsory and free for all citizen
The first Girl Teachers ' Training School was opened
Law of Unıfıcatıon of Educatıon was accepted
All schools were annexed to the Ministry of National Education and Culture. -
The law of the educatıon Organızatıon
This law brought new arrangements such as "no school can be opened in Turkey without the permission and agreement of the Ministry of Natıonal Educatıon " -
The change of the alphabet
One of the most important reforms was the change of the alphabet from Arabc to Latin letters,which facilitated literacy among the peasant population. -
The turkısh assocıatıon of hıstory was establıshed
The turkısh language assocıatıon was establıshed
To protect turkısh from ınfluences of foreign languages,improve it as science suggests and prevent misuse of the Turkish Language. -
Mobıle village women's classes and village Men's training classes ıntroduced
They introduced by the Ministry of Education.In the training programmes directed at Turkey's villagers,emphasis was placed on making them more productive. -
Educational Colleges were established.
they served as the harbinger of the Anatolian Secondary Schools. -
The right to education is defined as a social right,and education is to be provided to serve the aims of Atatürk's principles and reforms.
The first prıvate unıversıty,Bılkent unıversıty,was establıshed.
Compulsory educatıon was ıncreased from 5 to 8 years.
The new system:4+4+4
Chidren will begin their primary education in the first month of September following their six birthdays and primary education establishments will be set up separately as independent elementary schools and middle schools.