The History of Transportation

By jtc7458
  • 4000 BCE

    The Beginning of Transportation

    Horses are domesticated
  • 3500 BCE

    Transportation Begins To Evolve

    The wheel is invented in Iraq
  • 3100 BCE

    People Are Finding Many Ways To Get Around

    The sailing boat is invented in Egypt
  • 2700 BCE

    Transportation is becoming very useful

    The Egyptians begin using wooden ships for trade by sea
  • 2000 BCE

    More Things Are Able to Transport Supplies

    Camels are domesticated
  • People are finding easier ways to move around

    The car is invented
  • Transportation is helping people go long distances

    Alice Ramsey is the first woman to drive across the USA in a car
  • Transportation has developed rules

    In Britain a driving test is introduced. Cats eyes are invented. A 30 mile an hour speed limit is introduced in built up areas in Britain.
  • more appliances are coming with transportation

    The first traffic meters are installed in the USA
  • Transportation is coming from more animals

    The first zebra crossing is made
  • Transportation ha started to come more then one person in the air

    The first passenger jet service starts
  • Traffic rules are starting to evolve

    The first traffic meters in Britain are installed
  • Transportation has become more safe

    About 32% of families in Britain own a car. The first electric underground trains run in London. The three point seat belt is invented.
  • Transportation is trying to be more careful

    Wearing seat belts is made compulsory in Britain. Wheel clamps are introduced.
  • Transportation keeps up with how your moving to make sure you and other are safe

    Speed cameras are introduced into Britain