
The history of the United States 1600-1700

  • 5/14/1607

    One hundred and four European settlers arrived in North America and founded The first English settlement in North America, Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Henry Hudson

    Hired by the Dutch East India Company, Henry Hudson sailed and explored the river later known as the Hudson
  • Virginia held the first meeting of the first democratically elected legislative council in the Americas

    The first African slaves were brought to America by the Treasure (British) and the White Lion (Dutch)
  • The Mayflower

    The Mayflower arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts with 102 Pilgrims
  • The island of Manhattan

    The Dutch bought the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans
  • Boston

    Boston was founded
  • rhode island

    Rhode Island enacted the colony's first law, outlawing slavery.But there is no evidence that it has ever been carried out.rh
  • Period: to

    King Philip, during the war,

    Colonists and Native Americans fought in the bloodiest conflict in The history of New England
  • Witch trials

    Witch trials
    At the Salem witch Trials in Massachusetts, nineteen people were sentenced to death by hanging